June 02, 2000
Well, Ryan still = broken. Although on the bright side, I'm not coughing up blood anymore (always a good sign). I may go to the doctor tomorrow if I am still sick to get checked out and make sure that it was just some bad cold or something. Today we had graduation practice, which tought me one thing. We have some real winners in our school I'll tell ya'. One of the people who I am graduating next to can't just sit down, shut up, and listen for a couple friggin hours while we do graduation practice. I don't konw how in the hell I am going to put up with him for the several hours that graduation will take. Tonight I didn't really do anything, I really didn't want to, and I have no idea what anyone ended up doing. Gim stopped by to say hi, and to get his KGB spring-loaded nightstick out of my car cause he had left it there when we went to the movie yesterday. I still don't know why he always carries that thing, I guess he's just paranoid or something. My sister Leandra came home today, yay! my other sister will be here tomorrow. This is the first time we have al seen each other since winter break, and even that was only for a couple of days. I am so happy. Senior brunch was also today. Like prom, it was at the Wyndom (spelling?) hotel in Itasca. It is a really nice place, and they have pretty descent food there as well. The brunch was a lot of fun but it was really depressing to see the senior slide show, and all you see are the friends of the people who made it (along with the people who made it) I know damn well that there were a lot more people that entered in pictures but didnt' get their pictures entered due to it being to long and conjected with the same two dozen people, but oh well, what are you going to do about it. Mr. Bruce gave a really great and funny speech, followed by a little song about fremd memories that he wrote, he got a standing ovation, and I really feel sorry for Mrs. White who had to follow him and practically put everyone to sleep. All and all it was kinda a cool day with the exception of the fact that I don't feel well. But anyway, tonight I rebuilt my mom's copmuter. It turned out that it was the mainboard, which I ordered a new one and I replaced. Now the computer actually runs faster too, because I am running the system bus at 100 MHz instead of 66 MHz like most normal celerons are. I still have to get the little network to function again, but right now I am both too tired and sick to even care about that damn part of it right now. I don't even know when I got it, or that I had installed it, but run over to and pick up the visualization plug-in called "G-force". It is an obvious rip-off of Geiss, but there are some cooler effects that this guy does, and it has a tendency to run a little better too, because it is written to take advantage of your videocard, and not just your cpu. Anyway, just give it a little look, it's really cool. One of the funniest Penny Arcade cartoons that they have released in a while, and I completely agree with the point they were trying to get across too. I think that we need to really watch where we put the blame of kid violence. I think it is a lot easier than it is accurate to blame things like video games, and inadaquate guns laws. Because in every single case where there have been school shootings, there have been several exsisting gun laws that have been broken. Making more gun laws is only going to affect the people who are obeying current gun laws, and are thus, already not randomly killing people. And I think that violent video games are one of the major reasons why we don't have more school shootings. Let's face it, since the founding of our coutry, we have had 20 major wars/conflicts. That's about one every decade or so. And we are due to have a war. Our generation is getting all messed up because we don't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things. What, are we to be called the "internet generation" please, that isn't an identity, that's something that will continue on. You don't call our grandparents the airplane generation, and we don't call our parents the nuclear bomb generation. Violent video games (at least for me, and probably for many others as well) doesn't create stress, it relieves it. And even when it gets very competative, it doesn't make the person feel that, "yeah, I could do that in real life and it would be okay because the video game tells me it's okay." Anyone who ever says the previous statement has more severe mental problems than just video games, and should seek help. Anyway, I'm getting long winded, and I have no real direction anymore, so I am going to have another NyQuil induced coma now. Goodnight.

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