June 23, 2000
Okay I have to start out by simply duplicating this awful link of the day from something awful. I know basically only Joel and I read this site, but you have to see this.
Color Me Classy, not only is there nothing "classy" about their website, there is nothing there that would make me want to spend up to $5400 dollars on one of their websites. That's right, you heard me correctly. $5400!!! for that no talent bullshit that epitomizes everything that is evil about shitty websites. They use a background texture that is intrusive into the graphics, they use huge (150k+) graphics, they have excessive (more than 0) animated gifs on the site, they have a looping wav file clip of a song, and the friggin clip isn't even cut to loop properly! If you are going to pester us by hearing the same damn 10 seconds of a song at least make an attempt to loop it and fool us into thinking that there is more there. I hope, for the love of everything that is sacred in this world of ours, that this website construction page is a joke. Please, please, someone tell me it's a joke.
I heard from Katie again today, she is well in Hawaii, I wish her more fun and that she doesn't get cooked too badly, I know how much fun that is not. I found that my otherwise slow internet connection can do something well that I really didn't expect it to. I am able to play counter-strike with a ping of around 160 (almost completely lag free) and be able to use Roger Wilco to talk to Joel and Joe the whole time. I must say I am very impressed with the little piece of old-fashioned USRobotics electronics in there, good show modem, good show.

So today we went to Krispe Kreme to get some more doughnuts, that was pretty cool. I still love these doughnuts but like I said, they are damn addictive. Then we went to go watch a movie and we ran into Molly at blockbuster. So she came over to Joel's and we all watched "Seven" over there, even though we rented 12 monkies. Hans didn't really feel like watching the movie cause he got his keys and license taken away. Apparently he burned out the clutch in the explorer or something, but right now the car goes zero to 60 in a weekend if you are lucky. After the movie when Molly had to leave I was going to sneak out and try to scare her as she left. Well, Marci and Joel locked me out of the house. I went back and they did the little laughing thing, and said, "oh doesn't that suck." So I figured I'd 1-up them, I left. That's right, something they would never expect me to do, I left.

They really didn't expect it since I didn't have my car keys, wallet, phone, or shoes with me either. What can I say, I was really really bored so I jogged home 4 miles with no shoes. And surprisingly, my feet don't hurt at all. About a third of the way home a thought entered my mind. What the hell am I going to say if a cop drives by and asks me what I am doing. So this became my thing to do. To come up with a reason to be running at 2:00 am with no shoes on. Here's what I came up with: I am going to be going to Montana for the 4th of July and they are having a 5K nature preservation run where you can't wear any shoes. For every person that runs they will secure and preserve a portion of land. I want to build up caluses on my feet before I go. I don't know, I think that would have worked if I had kept a straight face the whole time. And oh, by the way, I want no one to feel in anyway that Marci and Joel made me run home. I did it just to be an idiot, no other reason. Just something that would make them think, about what? who knows. But Joel was really pissed at me for making them worry like that. But hey, you did lock me out, now we are even :). Oh, and I did gain something out of this; a very deep appreciation for well-kept side-walks. There are a lot of crappy ones out there that are covered in gravel and really don't do the soles of your feet any justice at all.

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