December 01, 1999
All this not feeling the need to kill someone is becoming a bad habit. I don't derive nearly as much pleasure from playing unreal tournament anymore. Which by no means says that I am not playing it anymore, but just less often.

Well, I got Saturdays back off again and Mike G fixed Fridays. He actually did all this before I got a chance to yell at him which is very surprising, I didn't expect that much from him.

My parents have all but completely forgot about Saturday night so I think I am in the clear. Hans got back into the school with the Pikachu ID card, so much for ID checks. If Pikachu can get in, so can John Q. Gunman, Yeah, I feel real safe with that crack team of security standing between me and an armed gunman. Which makes you wonder, what exactly would the stupid hall moniters do if someone came in with a gun, throw their walkie talkie at him? oh well, one can only hope for the best.

Mike Lee, the old fart who works the day version of my job, is really starting to piss me off, not only does he not shower and end up stanking the whole place up, but he always ducks out before his shift is over so that I get stuck with the damn shipments of everything, stocking stuff isn't really part of my job, it's his. He works full time there, he can do it. So I usually get him back by just pileing everything in the stock room so that the next day when the manager sees it, since it is his job, they just assume that he put it all there then he gets yelled at (he he what a little asshole I am), but that is what the old fart deserves.

I figured I will wait a few days before I ask for a raise. I get a number of compliments about my knoledge that the managers overhear all the time. I think when one customer asked my manager to talk to me rather than him because I knew what I was talking about probably pissed him off though, but that is the price you pay for good help. I don't know off hand how big a raise I should ask for, Whatever I can get will do me just nicely. I am not terribly picky about such things. I think that Christmas time would be a good time to ask a) because it's the time of giving :) b) because the store makes more money then anyway, and c) because they are more screwed without me during Christmas time. I will exploit as many of these reasons as I can.

December 02, 1999
Ah, another day off, I could get used to this whole every other day work thing. I finally sat down and redid the 800x600 version of the page so now it looks the same as this page as opposed to the old page that takes about four years to load. I still have it on this site, just go to the adress bar and delete the b right before the .html and you can see it if you hadn't before.

I made a CD today with some DMB songs on it, the twist: the right channel starts 1.5 seconds before the left channel, the result: the song echos and saves you time and money on not having to smoke weed.

I saw a special on today, 'When vehicles go out of control', I tell you, this show should only be viewed by those who have an IQ less than 5, having buck teeth and marring your nephew should be another prerequisite. Oh my god, who really wants to see a truck fall of a cliff in which everyone dies, honestly.

Our school's server got fucked with so my supply of mp3s has run dry for a while, now I just play UT in class, which is just as entertaining. I am going to be getting a DSL modem pretty soon I can't wait, just the thought of being able to download at 100KB/sec just makes me want to hug someone. (that doesn't make me gay does it?) well, anyway, I have managed to get nothing but sleep today so far so that means I got a little homework to do (and by a little I mean a lot) so I guess I will actually do that (for the first time in about a week)

December 03, 1999
I think I am going to buy a new trackball, i want one of those wheel jobbers for unreal tournament so I can change weapons easier. There is a sweet ass trackball I will probably get at work called the Trackman FX+ marble, it's made by logitech, I love logitech trackballs, they are all optical so you never have to clean them and they don't break (unless you try)

I am actually having a major rebound in life. Work is going pretty well, I showed up half an hour late and noone noticed or cared. I'm, however, pissed at my friends tonight, while i don't really expect them to necessarily wait for me to get off work, but it would only require that they wait for a whooping half an hour before they go out and do nothing. It's just common courtosey, oh well, i might just find someone else to go see a movie with or something. but to be honest with you, I am probably going to end up playing unreal tournament all night. once again, cry me a river.

I hate to bum you out with the complete lack of interesting things that happened to me today so I have an idea, maybe I won't write an entry every day, only those days that i feel are worth writing about.

Oh yeah, one other thing that did happen today, we held our cardboard boat race today in gym class. We had to build boats out of cardboard and duct tape and then race them through or pool at school, our boat was diqualified becaused we were told we could use thompsons water sealant and then later on the administration said that they didnt' want the chemicals in the pool, so alas our boat never entered the water. We were allowed to race using a boat form earlier in the day and we won with that but that just isn't the same when you haven't built the boat yourself.

Maybe, seeing as I am not tired... at all ... I might get some homework done, but probably not, alas, thus is the life of the procrastinator. oh yeah, and all those who read this please click below to e-mail me whether or not you think I should buy a digital assitant, you know like a palm pilot, I think there cool and I would love to use it to take down notes and such but I need someone to tell me it's a waste of money so that I can be stoped from buying it please, thank you.

December 04, 1999
Today was cool, first full complete no school no work day since thanksgiving. I got the new trackball. It's pretty sweet but it will take a little getting used to, but when I do I can tell that it rocks, it moves so much smoother than my old trackball it's kinda ridiculous.

I found out yesterday that my dsl is going to be installed in a week (horray!) so no more dial-ups ever again! I can't wait to get to killing people online.

I touched bases with an old friend I haven't seen in like three years today, we went and saw the new james bond movie. And if for any moment the movie sucked it was made up for with that oh-so-witty last line about Christmas (yelch).

I found out that joel has been printing out things on my website and correcting the spelling, asshole, so my speling ins't goood enouf fore u huh? well, humble yourself for a god damn minute okay?!?

I also found out today that marci pretty much hates me and only tolerates me cause I drag her ass to lunch everyday. she and hans are getting all lubby-dubby again which makes me want to throw up. I swear that girl is the most promiscuous person I have ever known. She is hitting on someone new every day it seems, lucky for joel he got out without losing it completely, hans is pretty much screwed (and no I don't mean in the literal sense) oh well, enough about disclosing my friends' personal lives, on with the story of me. Or rather the lack thereof...

I am starting to drift more toward the angry mood again, I haven't had much work or school to bring me down lately so I think it is just the fact of knowing that I am goin to have to go back to work or school that is bringing me down. Maybe I could kill someone. Not someone important or anything, someone that noone would particularly notice was missing, and I have just the gun to do it. Well, be forewarned, if you are reading this, you probably know me, and that means that I could be standing right behind you with the mussle of my gun pointed right at the back of your neck ready to spray your brains all over this very screen, but don't look now, if you do, I will only kill you sooner... ...whoa, did I type that out loud, sorry.

December 05, 1999
Every Sunday (well, almost evry Sunday) at work there is a game in which you every time you sell a warrenty you get to pull a slip of paper out of a hat and that piece of paper either says $1, $5, $10, $20, or some game (quake 3 this week) so this gets people motivated to sell more warrenties (not really because Sundays just attract more people thus resulting in more sales but they don't seem to care) anyway, today I sold 5 warrenties and I pulled a 20, two tens, a 5, and a 1. so I basically had a pretty good day seeing as I wasn't really doing all that much work all day.

I had no homework this week end (woo hoo!) so I was able to do even more nothing than I usually do. Sometime tonight, Rick is supposed to call me wanting to go see the new james bond movie. I wonder what he'll say when i went to go see it with Matt. Rick always hated Matt. This was because Matt always got away with shit that he never could. Rick tried overly hard during grade school and Matt couldn't have cared less and yet they both got the same grades, this resulted in Rick taking cheap shots at Matt all the time (for example, Matt had ADD) They never got along very well and probably never will, Rick holds some of the most ridiculous grudges on the planet. I never hold grudges, I am too apathetic about life at this stage to remain mad at someone. I don't put up with people who go out of their way to piss me off though, that's just not right.

Oh, I think I may have figured out why I persistantly annoy some of my friends on purpose. I don't think it is for extra attention (stupid and meaningless jokes tides us over most of the time) It's because I think they are so strung out like I am I want them to feel something, even if it's annoyance of me, I don't care, It's just that all we ever seem to do is end up sitting at someone's house and watching TV or a movie, and unless it's a new movie or one I haven't seen to many times before I hate watching TV, TV is for the weak, for the dependant, I think TV is like a drug that people get so used to watching that they don't even realize they are watching it any more.

Oh, and I have tossed the idea of getting a palm pilot, I think I am going to save up for one of those bitchin small, sony vaio laptops, they are around $1400, so I am going to give it a good thinking over but I want one of those, It would be so great at college because it has 1024x768 resolution, it only ways like 2 pounds, and it actually about the size and thickness of a small notebook. I would mainly use it for html, microsoft office, and mp3s. It has a 6.4 GB HD and a celeron 333 in it which is more than enough for my liking. I'll have to see...

December 06, 1999
Today I learned something about the techs at compUSA. There is a customer that has been in numerous times with a CD burner problem, and I have talked with him every time and everytime I give him the computer it works, but he can't get it to work at home. This last time he brought it in because he couldn't get a bunch of his programs to load after the techs last work that they did. The techs brought it in, checked it out, said there was nothing wrong with it and were ready to give it back to him. We were both more than skeptical. So we try out the CD he gave us and sure enough it didn't work, so I go to the tech that worked on it and told him the drive didn't work. He said I know, the drive letter changed so he has to install all his programs again. Then I ask him why he didn't say antthing in the notes, he ignored me, so than I said look, this guy has been in a bunch of times, he's been extremely nice about it and I just want to help him out. Then he mockingly said, 'awww, you just want to help him out.' so I told him to fuck himself. I then went out to the computer and reassigned the drive letters so that his programs worked again, I then put in the notes after the part where it said the system was finished that I check the drive, it didn't work, and that I reassigned the drive letters and that it now works, so maybe the tech will get in trouble, who knows, he's been a repeat asshole to me so what the hell, maybe he could use a little yelling at.

December 07, 1999
Okay, I got some hate mail from people I don't know so I think I need to do some clarifying. First of all, I am not going to take back what I wrote, I am just going to explain it a little better than I had. When I said promiscuous I didn't mean to say she was a prostitute (which is what all of you seem to have taken it as) I would never call anyone a prostitute with a straight face. What I meant was that she was acting all cuddly with everyone and I was simply describing what I observed. I apoligize for making her sound like what I made her sound like. I only stated what I saw, and since no one else would be incapable of seeing the same things, I put it in my journal.

I don't even remember if I wrote this already but last year, when Marci was at her lunch table with Ryan, Pete, Gus, and Kari, she wouldn't let me have the time of day, I didn't even know her. She kicked me away from the table like a piece of trash someone dropped on the floor, and that really shitty of her. But I took it with a grain of salt. Now, for whatever reason, Marci left her other group of friends to come to lunch with Hans, Gim, and I. I forgave her for all of last year because I don't hold grudges.

Unfortunately, the last thing I want this entry to turn into was a plea with you readers for acceptance of what I wrote. I never asked any of you to read this, and I don't care if you continue to. Some may argue that because this is on the internet, everyone will naturally read it. I figured the lack of interesting things that ever seem to happen in my life would drive most oy you away. So Marci, I at least hope you are reading this clarification so you don't go hiring hitmen like Hans to come and try to kick my ass, and try not to lose any sleep over this whole ordeal. I doubt anyone has lost any respect for you, as long as you could be as forgiving as I have been.

December 08, 1999
Thank you Joel for providing everyone with a link to my page so that people who are wacked up enough to go to your site will get a chance to read this.

Today was shweet at work. I got my first hookup. I had a customer come in with a 'broken' laptop. They said the screen didn't work but everthing else appeared to. So I turned it on and sure enough, lights come on fan spins up and the hard drive comes on... ...but no screen. So I tell them that we charge 139.97 to repair laptops plus the cost of parts from Compaq because it was out of warrenty. They asked if there isn't something else that could be done. So I had a thought. I brought the computer over to a monitor and plugged it in, sure enough the desktop pops up on the monitor. So I hit Fn-F3 and now the screen comes to life almost as if by magic. It's amazing how many computer problems are caused when someone uses a feature of the computer without knowing it. So the women asks me to explain what I had done and then she shook hands and slipped me a 10. Not bad, I could get used to this, and whats more, she then tracked down Debbie (one of my managers) to tell her what a great employee I was for the following ten minutes. If that doesn't get the good word put in for Mike G to give me a raise, I don't know what will.

And I also want to thank Joel for talking me out of my Laptop/PDA wet dream. I really don't need either of those at least not right now and I shouldn't buy one. They would just be toys that would distract from my learning environment and not get me anywhere.

Oh yeah, and now it's just 3 more days till I get DSL, woo hoo.

December 09, 1999
Well, Marci doesn't seem to be pissed at me anymore so that is better.

I feel bad because I haven't really done any Christmas shopping yet. I don't know what anyone wants. So if you are a friend of mine send me an E-mail of what you want for Christmas (within reason) and I'll see what I can do. Please do or I may just not get you anything :P.

I cleaned my room today because it really needed it, I was having a hard time getting to my bed the way it was. Now my room looks huge, it's almost scary and/or intimidating.

I went crazy on napster today and just started downloading songs, I've gotten around 100 megs worth of stuff. I haven't actually been sitting at my computer for any extended period of time just checking up every once and a while to add more songs to the queue. I am going to make cds for a couple of my teachers. Every now and then they make a reference to a song in class so I write it down and now I got all the songs using napster and I am going to make a CD for them. No, it is not normally in my nature to suck up or anything but those two classes are not treating me wonderfully this quarter and every little thing helps.

Oh, and by the way, I don't know If I mentioned it yet, but I get a DSL modem in 2 days, woo hoo.

December 10, 1999
Today was kinda interesting, I had a customer come into work today asking if he could cut cds into the shape of a Christmas tree and still have them work, and he also said he needed about a hundred Christmas tree shaped cd-labels...

These are the kind of people who are allowed to vote, you realize this don't you?

Also, my DSL modem came Airborne Express today, but it has a huge seal over the box saying 'DO NOT OPEN' which really pisses me off 'cause somehow I just know that all the guy is going to do is plug it into the wall.

I got my acceptance letter to take Electrical Engineering at U of I, yea! So now my concern for High School has just diminished even more than it already had. I just have to get A's and B's my senior year which means I don't have to try incredibly hard. And as far as Student Council goes, well, they'd have to kiss my ass to get me into another one of their meetings.

Bill and Joel are dorks, when I got home from work I check my caller ID and see that Joel called, so I check my answering machine to see if he left a message. Sure enough, 9 new messages, oh no, here we go. They basically just babbeled on nine times until my answering machine cut them off and then they called back. Which really sucks because my damn answering machine won't let you delete the messages until you have listened to all of them.

I went to go see Toy Story 2 which was actually very good (for a G-rated movie) The only thing I feared about the movie didn't come true, and that was I was hoping it wasn't going to be 'Toy Story: Part II' and like I said it wasn't. It had a completely different plot that was intersesting all on it's own, there were few references to the original movie so you could see this one without seeing the new one, but the first one does a lot of setting up the characters. well, if you haven't seen it, go see it, it's worth the $5.25.

Oh, and I may have possibly mentioned it before I don't really know, but... I'm getting a DSL modem tomorrow!, (cheering and the sound of fireworks in the back ground)

December 11, 1999
Well I shuold have seen that one coming a mile away. This is why you don't hype things ladies and gentlemen. The guy was here to install the DSL modem detirmined that he was too lazy to run any wires and he spent his entire scheduled time trying to find a pair of exsisting wires that he could use, of course to no avail. Why, you might ask? Because whomever designed the phone wiring scheme in my house was on crack, none of the wires match colors and evrything is connected to everything else. But for some reason all our lines work fine right now, but if there was a god, he wouldn't be able to explain how it actually does. So naturally he wants to reschedule, and I'm like, screw it, I'll run the wire tomorrow, you come back like monday or something, and just hook up the ends. So now I have a project tomorrow.

Tonight was relatively boring. If you are a relative of Hans do not read the next 3 sentences. Hans is the luckiest sonuvabitch on the planet. Yesterday he got pulled over for going 60 in a 45 but for some reason the cop just let him go. And tonight he peeled out and squeeled his tires in a parking lot right past a cop, but all the cop did was follow us for about 3 blocks and then he turned off.

We watched the South Park movie again because Marci never saw it before, I never get bored of that movie, but apparently Hans does because he fell asleep. Oh, and if Marci is reading this, I wish to explain now why I wouldn't let you have anything to drink that night. First of all, you were driving, and I didn't want to see you get pulled over and end up fucked until you are 21. Second, my grandfather was hit by a drunk driver once and ended up in the hospital for two weeks a long time ago so If my dad found out I would be in the hospital for two weeks. And I have this thing about drinking, for reasons that I won't get into, I don't care for casual drinking right now, not even a 'taste' okay. (notice nowhere in the list of reasons does it mention 'to be a dick')

I have to go to work tomorrow at 9:45 and right now it's about 2 am so I guess I will go to sleep now, bye.

December 12, 1999
Well, I ran the wire today, that was a bit more of a pain in the ass than I thought. I had to pull all the worthless shit out of my closet and right now it's sitting on my floor and my bed so I have to clean it up (throw it out) now.

A guy came into work today, and he wanted to buy a remote starter for his car. I literally stared at him for a whole ten seconds before I could muster up anything that wasn't an insult. I managed to spit out, 'no we can't help you, but circuit city might,' before ducking into the back room and laughing for the next five minutes. There was also a customer who might very well have been the ugliest person I have ever seen, his skin was all dirty, he had ten teeth (none of which were in the right place or going the right direction), he wasn't exactly slim, he was wearing a bevis and butthead shirt, and he had skin-tight, and I mean sprayed on, sweat-shorts. Hans almost threw-up.

I just realized that I could very possibly be the victim of working early new years day. And buy early I mean 7:45. I have decided that I may actually show up that day, but that I can't make any promises about staying awake and/or not throwing up on the customers. You know why I don't want to work those days (besides the obvious reasons) is that I don't want to ring in the new millenium by talking with people that crack stupid jokes about how we cheated death, or how their computer blew up, or have people rioting on new years eve about how we have brought on the downfall of society and just a few hours the world will end. I will remind him that computers brought about the 'society' that he lives in today, and, worse case scenario, he has to spend an extra ten minutes to check over to make sure his bills are all okay. I think ten minutes is not a big price to pay every 100 years, that's a lot less time then most clocks lose over a 100 years so he'll never miss it anyway.

Shit, I have a lot of stuff to do both tonight and this week, looks like I'm prepaying for this winter break with a lot of excess stress. I have a test, lab due, or a presentation every damn day this week, and I have to work until 10:30 monday, wednsday, and friday.

Hans actually bagged an empty iMac case from work on thursday, so It looks like we will have an iQuarium for our dorm room next year.

December 17, 1999
To all those of you who have this need to read my journal everyday, I apoligize for my lack of time in the last week, and since I have written in this last I have only gotten about 5 hours of sleep.

This week I had 6 tests and a presentation to give. That is, two chem tests, a stat test and presentaion, an econ test, an electronics test, and a test on Hamlet Act II. So I have been kinda strung out.

I got my DSL up and running on my own on wednesday, only to have my service get messed up on thursday, not before I downloaded about 600 megs of stuff (I work fast) It was awsome, my ping was like 30 and tracert hit at most 5 servers to go anywhere, Ameritech's backbone is awsome. So they are working on getting the line up and running again because they were 'unsure of it's stability at that speed' whatever the hell they were trying to say by that I guess I'll find out. So for now I have a cool paperweight on my desk with pretty blinking lights.

Yesterday my dad bought a new car for no apparent reason, It is a Mecedes E420, that car is the shiznat, unfortunately I'm not even to know where the keys are (which is kinda funny cause they aren't really even keys they are little infrared sensors that you plug into the dash to start it)

Today marks the end of a painfully long week and the begining of winter break over which I have absolutely no homework (yea!) so I will be able to maximize my idleness over the next two weeks and get as much sleep and as little of everything else done as possible.

I can't wait for my damn DSL to get up and working again because I want to try out unreal tournament online. With a ping of like 30 I will never suffer a lag induced death again (and there was much rejoicing)

Right now I am going to listen to some Veggie Tales songs because Lauren and John were singing them while they were over here to work on the stat presentation so now they have stuck in my head for the past two weeks. If you want to listen to them then just Click here and prepare to be driven insane with some of the stupidest and yet somehow addictive songs you have everheard.

And no, I still don't think that Marci is a prostitute :)

December 19, 1999
Hi, I'm kinda bummed about this whole DSL thing, they are sending me all over the planet to find the problem makers but I'm only getting more and more upset.

Well, I've scheduled my Christmas shopping for tuesday so I actually think I may just get it done. I'm dragging my sister along so that she can tell me what I should buy for everyone. I don't even know what my parents are getting me for Christmas. I got a new shotgun so I am very happy about that, I needed a new one since my old skeet gun was really too short for me. I suppose that half of the DSL line (I have to pay for half) and my dad's permission to put my stereo in my car two months ago pretty much constitute my Christmas presents. Which pretty much means there ain't much waiting under the tree for me.

I got aroud $110 in spiffs today thanks largely to the doller game, so I'm feeling kinda good about that. I went to Jason's house as we always seem to do and a bunch of people were there, most of which I had met before and some of which I didn't, but they were playing dungeons and dragons so I probably wouldn't have admitted that I knew them anyway. So Katie, Christine, and I just went in the other room and watched Dead Man on Campus. I love that movie but it is a bit of a downer seeing it as you are going into college, I think only college students should see that movie so then they can just have a laugh and not get scared about their future roommate (hans I'm looking at you) But I had a descent time and didn't get hit by any drunken drivers on my way home, so all in all it wasn't a bad day.

December 21, 1999
Damn it's cold outside.

I did all my Christmas shopping today, I have everybody except Marci and Eric (Leandra's boyfriend) I have no idea what to get them. Anyhow, I feel better that I got that out of the way. I'm giving such a wide range of presents to everyone I hope I don't make anyone feel bad if they get my low end present but I am retarded at shopping for gifts, oh well, I'm sooo sad.

Well, I had my bolts (braces) tightened today and they are killing me so I am on pain killers... ...yeah... ...this is the way to live. My parents had to take my car to the dealership because of a recall due to malfunctioning seatbelts or something like that so I was stuck driving my sister's car which has a far inferior stereo. Same speakers as my old ones and those were pitiful. I got one of those luminglass things that is a big glass plate with the electricity swirling inside of it so of you were going to get me one of those don't and if you already did there is still time to return it and get me something else :D. But if you were going to by me something that expensive don't because I would feel really bad about accepting it anyway.

Yesterday, someone came into work and said they were having a problem with Unreal Tournament. After about a minute or two of talking it became clear that he was trying to play UT in his playstation... ...This is the kind of person God needs to hit with lightning. And you know what the worst part is that I've mentioned before? These kinds of people are allowed to vote. He proceded to ask for an explaination why they didn't make a system that could just play all the computer games. And I just said, because then companies that made real fast computers would be gone, crippled by the $99.99 playstaion. I can't believe it's illegal to kill people like that. Oh well, what are ya gonna do?

December 23, 1999
I got the new Austin Powers movie on DVD from Rick today. All I can say is, watch the deleted scenes, they are actually more entertaining than the movie was. Oh, and I also saw Deuce Bigalo today. That movie was funny but I never want to see it again, ever. Yes, that kind of funny.

I had fun driving around tonight. My car has no power steering, no ABS, no traction control, and non-antifreeze washer fluid. So I couldn't change, stop, advance, or see where I was going. (but it does make for some sweet doughnutability)

Now the DSL people tell me that my line is out due to errors in the IPs at the router in the CO. Oh, okay, and so that has only affected me... ...right. Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot that I can do about it right now, except wait. It best be on soon though. I am really starting to get mad with a capitol 'M'. I am ready to drive out to California, where flashcom is based, and start shooting if that will get the job done.

Well, on that note merry Christmas to you all, I have to go to sleep so I can wake up early and not work tomorrow, yeah! I can't believe I accidentally didn't get scheduled for Chritmas Eve, what a fluke, oh well. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

December 24, 1999
Merry Christmas to everyone. Today I got a Philips DVD-ROM drive for my computer as my one present that we're allowed to open on Christmas Eve. I installed it but then my computer was refusing to go into windows other than in safe mode. To make a long story short my computer is rejecting the drive and obviously I can't get a hold of anyone at philips right now. I'm too lazy to remove the drive from my computer to put the old one back so I was planning on just setting the drive on top of the computer and plugging the cables into it but every time I tried to plug the IDE cable in it pulled itself out of the ORB drive. So right now my CD-ROM drive is duct-taped to the side of my computer with the cables running through the side of the chassis, It's quite amusing, I'll have to find a better way though because it isn't really reading very fast like that. The MPEG decoder card works just fine 'cause it came with this star trek video saver thing that was on a CD and I can watch all those clips and they look awsome. I can even watch them on my TV and that is just bad ass.

I found out today that I am scheduled for new years day to work 8:45 til 6:30. What the fuck! There is no way they can legally keep me there for more than eight hours and there ain't no way I'm staying for more than that. Those little bastards. Who the hell goes computer shopping at 9 in the morning on new year's day?!? those people are going to get the, 'You are the only reason I am here and therefore I hate you' attitude from me, as they right well deserve.

I think I may have gotten a hold of someone that cared at Flashcom today. They put a service oreder stapled to a Northpoint ticket and then taped it to the monitor of the northpoint rep so maybe that will get something done. 'Just hang in there' he says, yeah well, I've been left hangin' for a week and a half, throw me a frickin' rope already.

December 25, 1999
Merry Christmas again. Santa didn't fix my DSL modem yet. But I'm sure you're tired of reading that. And I'm tired of typing that. Life sucks, go buy a helmet.

I got four DVDs, a DVD-ROM that doesn't work, a bunch of clothing, a new shotgun, and $700 for Christmas. So all and all not a bad haul. A lot of that money will go towards paying for all the presents I bought people so that leaves me netting about $300. Still, I can live with that. I saw Man on the Moon today, go see it, it is one of Jim's best movies so far. Very funny with lots of surprises and plot twists. I changed my CD Stomper so it reads "Queer Stomper", but unlike Hans who came up with the idea, I lettered mine with tape and then airbrushed it so it actually looks like how it came... ...Yes I have too much free time.

I'm really tired right now so this ends here.

December 26, 1999
I am thinking about moving (offically that is) to MXP, which for all of you who don't or never worked at compUSA, means the technical service desk (no, MXP doesn't stand for anything) I want to do that because that requires that I do a whole lot less actual work. No more stocking, no more inventory, no more having to help customers find products although I can still sell TAP if I want to. Now I fully understand why Hans got moved to MXP. Of all of compUSA, it's the 'dream' job.

I had and or overheard several stupid questions today at work. First was; 'Can I connect a floppy to CD-R?' Eric just said, 'Yeah as long as there's the rest of a computer between them.', Next was a guy asking for why all of his credit cards were declined, I replied, 'you probably know the answer to that better than I do.' Last was probably the best, someone asked me if we carried telescopes... ...telescopes... ...what the fuck. Yeah, we have telescopes, take a left at the motor oil, right next to the trampolenes. If you get to produce you've gone too far.

Also, Billy the software guy got arrested and removed from the store in handcuffs. Supposedly he had stolen a whole bunch of software from out of boxes and people enough people complained so he got caught today. Just his luck, Jeff the regional loss prevention manager was here today along with Mike G. Billy got reemed for about 3 hours.

I didn't get a whole lot in the TAP game today, only around $20, that's what I get for a successful last week, oh well, can't win them all.

Time for my daily phonecall to the inept fools at flashcom who aparently don't have control over the very services that they sell. I think Northpoint is just fucking with me because I ran my own damn phone line and didn't have them do it because their guy was inept and wasted all his time trying to find an open pair of wires. Fih! on all of them.

December 27, 1999
Well, the rush is on, a total of five people asked me for Y2k fix disks. Like anything that is done now is gonna make a whole lot of difference one way or the other.

Flashcom has offically gone on my Do-not-under-any-circumstances-rely-on-if-you-don't-have-to list. Now I think they are just dicking me around. After talking to five different people at their tech support number, the sixth one tells me that they can't do anything because the order is on hold. All of the other people I talked to knew it was on hold, why didn't they tell me that to begin with? They say now that I have to talk to customer care, which means I get a whole new class of even lower-ranking, less-knowledgible people that I have to deal with. If anyone knows of any other DSL companies that have service in the chicagoland area please E-mail me. I don't want these people to have any of my money anymore. They apparently don't have any respect for me or any of their customers and I bet their customer-couldn't-give-a-shit center isn't going to much better. I may end up not getting any broadband at this rate because my dad is getting even more pissed off than I am.

My dad told me in a rather serious tone that if we have to pay a dime for anything until the DSL is fully up and running than he is taking on flashcom inc. That would be fun. He has trial lawyers in his firm that got my sister out of a ticket for going 130 in a 65 without paying for it and no traffic school or smudges on her record. Which won't get me broadband any sooner, but if I'm lucky could teach flashcom a thing or two.

December 28, 1999
I tried exchanging my Philips DVD drive for a creative labs one which is supposed to be better, but the cards are identical and the drive still doesn't work, maybe I'll have better luck with Creative's tech support though. I guess it's worth a shot.

The people from Northpoint just now (yesterday) found out that my line should be working but it's not, which means that the first 6 people I talked to didn't do anything just as I had suspected, I figured persistance always wins. I'm still pissed off at them but for once I have hope.

I didn't get to relly do anything because I was expecting someone to call me but no one ever did. I really don't care because I was too tired tonight to have done anything anyway. I have to clean my room before I go to sleep and it's like 2 right now so I should probably get on that. I cleaned my turtle because it really needed it and people were yelling at me to, I always procrastinate terribly concerning that.

My grandma is going to take over my room while my sister's biyfriend is in town and I have to move up into the guest room with him. (yes, there are seperate beds) My grandma is pretty cool because she never tells my parents anything I do but she does have some interesting things she always wants you to do for her. For example, this morning she had my drive her 20 minutes away to get greeting cards for people for the next 6 monthhs because they cost 39 cents each. I keep telling her that you don't save enough to make up for the gas you use getting there even if you drive a saturn out there as we did. But she won't listen, she just wants to get a good deal, and in the end that's fine as long as she's happy.

I have determined that my managers all really do like me. Mike G thinks I'm god of all that is the upgrade counter, and could really have cared less about Mike Lee's (remember: the day guy) opinions of me. Debbie and Stefano only know that I have saved them the trouble of having to deal with a nuber of irate customers so they aren't complaining. Scott and Kelly don't really have strong opinions about anyone with a couple exceptions for better or worse so they aren't really concerned with me. So in otherwords there is no way that I am on the 'to be fired as of y2k' list, But if the managers like me so much why is it that I am scheduled to work for ten hours starting new year's day morning. Debbie just said 'I work all new year's day, don't expect any pity from me.' C'est la vie.

December 31, 1999
The Last Day, yeah right.

I haven't been able to update due to the fact that my grandmother has taken over my room, that, and I have come home at like a quarter to four the past two nights, but who's really paying attention.

You notice that? My parents always are sure to tell other people when I do things right but they never tell me, they only come to me when something is broken, my fault or otherwise. I don't feel very appreciated around here and it is getting to me. Likewise at work, I get bitched at for not showing up to a training class because I was scheduled for real work at the same time. And all the make-ups are at the same time. Well, they can all go to hell.

I have become addicted to Roller Coaster Tycoon. I love to make the stupidest roller coasters and then watch people pay through the nose to go on them just because they are new and have ridiculous g-forces. I will never be able to go to Great America again with the same frame of mind. How incredibly bent on making money everything is. It's kind of crazy.

Hans, Bill, Hans' Dad, and I were discussing the creations and the people of the last millenium. And how in Time magazine, Micheal Jordan ranked higher as influential person than Hitler. I mean honestly, there are a lot (millions) of lives that were changed drastically due to Hitler, can you honestly say that MJ has had a bigger impact? I *have* to go to a party now so I bid you all adeau. If you are reading this than one of two things is true. A) you are a dork with no life because you are websurfing on new year's eve. or B) you are a dork for other reasons but it is after new year's eve and the whole Y2K thing was as big a no-show as I thought it would be.

But no matter what the case, you best not come to compUSA tommorow moring because I have to work at 8:45 and you don't want to be near me.

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