March 26, 2000
'I looked into your eyes and saw, a world that does not exsist. I looked into your eyes and saw, a world I wish I was in.'
I think Hans is finally allowing himself to have a good time on his vacation even though hiking through the Grand Canyon with your family is such a wonderfully entertaining thing to do, he wasn't really looking foreward to it. But I suppose now he realizes that he can either enjoy the week or let the week suck. The reason I am telling you this is because I fall in much the same situation at the present time. I wasn't really looking foreward to the break when not many of us would be here. But I can either enjoy the break, or I can let the break suck. I have decided to say, 'to hell with scoring' and am putting the ydkjs game up here as it is, I don't even care to bother with it anymore, and it will be old by the time I get done with it anyway. Don't click on this link. I warned you, it is your own life that will be very quickly consumed as you mindlessly fool with the applet that awaits you on the other side of the hyperlink in the last sentence. Tonight I saw Eyes Wide Shut with Joel, Gim, and Marci. That movie is very fucked up. And Joel and I have come up with a theory about movies in general. The more of anything a movie is at the begining, the more it will end up in the opposite state. Take action movies; they usually start out with a car chase/explosion/random act of violence, and end with a happy peaceful ending. Titanic started out with a card game and a celebration of the departure and ended with Jack dying. Eyes Wide Shut started with a normal marrige and ended with, well, watch the movie. I guess change is inevitable and it reflects it self in the cinemagraphic field as well as in real life. Well change is welcome in most cases and I think we should try to see the light behind changes that appear to suck, as trite or as dumb as that may sound.

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