March 30, 2000
'And you may find yourself living in a shutdown shack. And you may find yourself in another part of the world. And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife. And you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?'
I made a few changes to the site again. As you can see the bar to select the journal set is at the bottom of the page now, there are now consistant and kinda cool but subtle animations at the top of all the pages, and the title bar now flies together instead of just being there. I think I will just leave it as it is for a while lest I want to get out of hand. Tonight wasn't a whole hell of a lot of fun, but at least we weren't all alone. Joel was here until around 3:30 playing Zelda 64. He got to gannon but he ran out of magic so he couldn't use light arrows which you need to beat him (don't you hate it when that happens?) so we decided that that would be a good point for him to go home. I now remember why I have a whole bunch of games that are not installed on my computer. Mainly, because they suck, I needed Joel to tell me this cause I couldn't see it for myself at first. But the more you play these old games like Total Annihilation and Dark Reign, you start to realize how Homeworld and Tiberian Sun crush them in comparison. oh well. I guess Penny Arcade had it's one year anniversary or something cause their site has been played around with so it looks quite a bit cooler now. I made a site that makes fun of first time sites (not anyone's site in particular cause I remember my first site sucking pretty bad too). The best part of my little joke page are the links at the bottom that are labeled friend #1, Friend #2, etc. They are sites I found by searching altavista for 'this is my first website'. And I had no idea how correct I was in my stereotypes that I used to make my joke. Man I didn't think I was that accurate but I guess I was wrong. The fact of the matter being that most of the sites out there that are first time sights have been abondoned due to shame and the authors just picked up and left. I don't even think I still have a copy of my first site, but I don't think that my little joke missed the mark by too much. Right now it is 4:33 and I have no intention of remaining inteligable for any longer so laterz.

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