September 02, 2000
Wow, have you ever had that feeling like no matter what you did, or how you acted, people just didn't notice you. Have you ever been an "also-there". Some times you get the feeling that you just aren't wanted around. People smile but it feels fake and forced. Everything you do is wrong, and there are the few that choose to make sure that the fact that they think you are wrong is known. What is it that makes people do that? Is it their ego? Is it their id? is it competition for women? I'd put my money on the latter. Despite what some may claim, there are other things guys some guys think about. Tonight I was just trying to have a good time and hang out. It honestly was never a goal tonight to try and "get laid" that has become really dumb. I have decided not to care anymore. But you know what? having this hostility against you when all you want to do is hang out is simply not cool. It seemed as though every time I said something to one of the girls I was beefed at. This wasn't all night, just when we got back to bromley and were trying to watch a movie. Sigh, now I'm just being an ass and complaining. I haven't really put a whole lot of thought into this entry, and it is thus going nowhere.

Hans's parents are coming down tomorrow, and I want to show some resemblance of having my shit together, so night.

Oh, and on a slightly brighter note, I did make another counter-crap today, maybe security gaurd will post this one. He didn't post my last one, maybe it's cause he was busy, maybe it's cause it sucked, I don't know. I guess I'd just feel better if it got out there. A few people saw it cause Brian posted it in IRC and a few people that saw it sent me e-mail s saying they thought it was really funny. At least I can make people laugh not in person. I just need more work at doing it in person. Maybe then people won't ignore the shit outta me so damn much, I need sleep... ...goodnight.

September 04, 2000
'Why drink the water from my hand? Contagious as you think I am Just tilt my sun towards your domain Your cup runneth over again. Don't scream about Don't think aloud Turn your head now baby Just spit me out Don't worry about Don't speak of doubt Turn your head now baby Just spit me out Why follow me to higher ground? Lost as you swear I am. Don't throw away your basic needs, Ambiance and vanity. December promise you gave unto me December whispers of treachery December clouds are now covering me December songs no longer I sing'
Wee! okay well, SG posted my two counter-craps, along with another one by "peto" that I was literally laughing my ass off at. I almost needed CPR but I'll be damned if I was gonna let Hans get anywhere near me.

So this three day weekend comes to a close and I have accomplished little other than counter-strike and counter-crap, Given I went out on Saturday, but other than that I am a worthless sloth. He he, it was fun though, and my brain isn't melting due to boredom or anything, so it's cool.

Oh and today, we decided to fire up the George Forman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine to get some cheeseburger action going on. And Hans decides to cook his first, but he didn't thaw it properly, and when he got done cooking it he realized that the whole thing had just become really really nasty and just generally had a grodiness to it, So I grab a beff patty from the freezer, throw it in the microwave, hit the "meat thaw" butten, and let it go to work, I turn around, and Hans is trying to stuff the entire cheeseburger down the garbage disposal. Let me tell, you, that is by far the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my entire life, I mean wtf!?!? He managed to cram the whole thing down the drain, but I mean, c'mon, wtf?!?!? Oh well.

I got like 15 e-mails so far from people about my counter-craps, so I think that's really cool, I took the time to thank each of them for the compliment, cause you figure they go out of their way, why not return the favor?

It is getting to the point where I think jsut about everyone is back in college, so I would like to wish all of my friends one more good luck on their freshman/sophomore year. Good luck, and may the force be with you or something.

September 05, 2000
'my tea's gone cold, i'm wondering why i got out of bed at all the morning rain clouds up my window and i can't see at all and even if i could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad i drank too much last night, got bills to pay, my head just feels in pain i missed the bus and there'll be hell today, i'm late for work again and even if i'm there, they'll all imply that i might not last the day and then you call me and it's not so bad, it's not so bad and i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life push the door, i'm home at last and i'm soaking through and through then you handed me a towel and all i see is you and even if my house falls down now, i wouldn't have a clue because you're near me and i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life '
Wow, Joel just showed me this song, and I love it. As you may or may not have noticed hte begining is used as the chorus in Eminem's "Stan".

Yesterday's entry got posted this afternoon because our internet connection went down last night and I was unable to post anything. And since I've had those two counter-craps posted I am getting mail every time I check from people saying they liked them. That really makes me feel great. It's what I defined a while ago with Joel as anonymous fame. Although it may sound like an oxy-moron, it's true. I use an anonymous alias of "champu" when I am online making movies, sending and recieving e-mail, and playing any online games. None save a tiny few of those people know me personally, but I am able to express my humor and my good traits over the enternet and gain respect in that matter. I could be a really ugly guy with no friends and, er okay, bad example... :) but no seriously, these people don't know or really care for that matter who or what I am in real life, but they like me as champu. That's anonymous fame. And it is really great sometimes.

I had to do these really dumb things for chem called IVLs which were essentially a lesson on "how to repeatedly click the next button in a window". I don't get why I was subjected to that, nor why I actually had to go to a university computer lab to sit and click a mouse repeatedly til I was blue in the finger. I guess they want to let me now about the chemistry involved with repetative stress disorders, like carpal tunnel syndrome. And then I spent an hour doing ece 110 homework which involved calculating all kinds of values about some dumb circuits.

They say everyone should believe in something, I believe I am going to go to sleep now.

Oh wait, if anyone can find a place where I can get a black shirt with "USMC" in white block letters on the front, then e-mail me and let me know it's driving me nuts.

September 08, 2000
Warning: This entry is really fucking long, you haven't read one in three days... deal with it, or your life is forfeit.

Wow, it's been a while, seems like almost forever, only... ...not. The reason I haven't posted any updates in the past couple of days is primarily becaue I couldn't. There was a problem at our building where our admin fucked up our building's DNS registration, and all the U of I student services servers would not accept a connection from any system whose dns entries weren't properly registered. What does all this mean, well, I couldn't get to the FTP, telnet, SMTP, or POP3 servers to update my site, set web permissions in unix, send mail, or recieve e-mail respectively. So basically I had a could use AIM, web-serf, and play counter-strike. And believe you me, I've done my fair share of each of those, and the fair share of a few other people too.

I made a new counter-crap I beleve on Wednesday (as I recall) and it is titled: "What would his family say...?". This cartoon is based on something I actually did in a game becuase I was sick of how the last counter-terrorist was camping and wasting time when he was supposed to be trying to kill me and/or rescue the hostages. So I spiced it up with a little bit of movie-style drama. Which he was laughing about later on. I have another cartoon in the good 'ol think tank, and I wil most likely work on it today and/or tomorrow, so expect it in one of the next couple posts.

On the same counter-crap note, I will very shortly have the domain now, this whole cartoon idea was entirely Security Gaurd's Idea, and I don't by any means wish to steal it per say. Nor do I want to make him feel like I am taking it over, I just figured I'd do something really basic along the lines of archiving all the submitted counter-craps, as this is not really done anywhere that I can see. He has his all listed, but not the user-submitted ones. Give me a hollar if you have any opinion as to what I should do with my new domain accuasition.

I don't remember talking about it in all that great a detail, or even at all for that matter, but about a week or so ago, I was going to revamp my entire website, doing away with the frames, and making it look a bit more professional with a table layout, and a more orginized menu system. Well, for now that project is being put on long-term hold until further notice. As I was making the pages for the new site I realized the randomness of the content and the general disjointed mannor of how everything is presented here, is going to make a site with everything having it's own page, not only tedious, but stupid. There is nothing really wrong with the site right now, and I was merely going to change it because I was bored, well, I'm not really bored anymore, so that idea is out.

To give you an idea on how much mail I have been recieving concerning the counter-craps, let me tell you this; There are about three threads going within the little unit of people we have going here, Jay, Katie, Rosie, Toby, Chris, Joel, Marci, Christine, Gill, etc... and everyone seems to be bombing the hell out of each other's mailboxes in that regard. Well, those three overly drawn out threads represents about a third of the mail that comes into my inbox. The other two thirds are stuff like this:
Subject: Det er det fedeste flash jeg længe har set.
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 20:58:01 +0200
From: "Familien Rasmussen"

Det må jeg sige makker. Meget respekt til dig.

Mvh en counter-strike spiller
I feel like an ass not even knowing what language that is, based on the .dk I'm guessing like sweedish or something, if someone could verify/correct me there, it would be great. But you get the idea, I've been replying to all the letters with a simple, thank you, not really having time to chat with all these people. Which I guess is okay cause many of the letters look like this:
Subject: harhar great flash !
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 14:14:01 +0200
From: (madmike)

cant believe it
which, is really nice, and I love these letters, but I don't think he was looking for much of a response :). 5 people now (including Joel, he was the 3rd) have asked me what font I was using. Just thought that was kinda weird.

A lot of people around my floor have been getting a bit ill lately, including even Hans a little. I seem to have escaped, but only just barely. I was feeling a bit of a cold coming on so I immediately took a couple sudafed and went to sleep, that seemed to have quelled the evil germ uprising so I guess I'll be okay. I think it was some little weak thing or something that was just goin around because everyone seems to be getting over it pretty quickly.

I have noticed a certain something about smells around this campus. They are usually very horrible. And anytime Someone suck as myself decides to grill up a cheeseburger or something for lunch I find that people seem to notice the change in smell to sometihng good and come asking about it. Yes the smells can be classified into a few different areas
  • elevator Smell
  • class room smell
  • post-party bathroom smell
  • general everywhere on campus smell
the elevator smell varies from day to day, but whatever pungent oder eminates from that little over-heated torture cabin, it is never a pleasent one, people walking into a small room while drunk have a tendency to mistake it for other things I guess. The class room smell depends on the type of classroom. The engineering rooms generally smell like a new plastic what-have-you... know that brand new plastic object smell, don't lie, you do. While the chem rooms as smell like ass all time. Most of the misc classrooms like math simply smell like chalkdust. The post-party bathroom smell I'm not even goin to get into. We just have one of those little air fresheners that you pump and it makes it all go away. Or maybe it just overpowers it with a yet more annoying smell, I haven't decided yet. In order to understand the "general everywhere on campus" smell you have to realize two things: U of I is located around a bunch of farms, and there are very strong high-altitude winds most of the time. That's right, you guessed it, the entire campus smell like horseshit. Everywhere you go, there is no escaping it, I can only pray for winter.
why withhold information?
what point is there in keeping it?
who is unable to handle the truth,
that we must keep so quiet?

what would they think,
if they were to find out?
where would that leave us?
and where would we go?

they say the truth can hurt.
they say true friends listen
so what is there to worry about?
there is nothing to fear

but alas, there is something!
as truth does hurt, it is feared
when a secret colapses, many truths are revealed
who are your real friends now?
I am glad to say that my roommate has a set of hair clippers so I can get free haircuts, and I can get them at very regular intervals and not have to worry about when I can get out to go get a haircut. He's realyl cool about it too, and I can't thank him enough for being so convienient about it. Although I don't have a real stress-inducing job of a hair-style (1/4" clippers and go to work all over) it does actually take some effort, and has to be done

We recieved the following document concerning termites and as you can see I wrote a note on it, and stuck it on our door. I jsut thought it was mildly entertaining or something along those lines, amybe I'm wrong I don't know. Leave me alone.

Finally, I'd like to tell you what happened to me yesterday morning. At around a quarter to 5 I hear Fei and Kevin pounding on our door telling us to get up. After a few minutes of this I start making out ther words "fire-alarm" and I get up to tlet them in. It wasn't until I was dressed and out in the hallway that I even heard the alarm going off as it was not all that impressive (coming from a deep-rooted alarm enthusiast, right?) An I would not have any confidence in it's ability to save anyone or anything from a real fire. Point being, Ihad to walk down 15 flights of stairs in the middle of the night, stand outside for about 20 minutes. And then walk my ass back up the 15 flights of stairs and then go to bed. Which didn't work. So I had a really long day yesterday on almost no sleep cause I was so rudely awaken by what was refered to as an "electronic malfunction". Gee thanks, this is the number one electrical engineering school in the country and the fucking fire alarm suffers from "electrial malfunctions" what the hell is up with that shit?

/me jumps out 15th story window

September 09, 2000
Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin. I've been waiting for you. Signed, with a home tattoo, Happy birthday to you was created for you. Can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams. Can't I believe you're taking my heart To pieces. Oh, it'll take a little time, might take a little crime to come undone now. We'll try to stay blind to the hope and fear outside. Hey child, stay wilder than the wind And blow me in to cry. Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone? Words, playing me deja vu Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before. Chill, is it something real Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers? Can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams. Can I believe you're taking my heart To pieces. Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright To come undone"
I got another letter today about my flash movies:
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 21:18:32 -0500
From: "Joel Hayhurst"



Hmm, this one also appears to be in some other language. If I'm not mistaken it was written in some dialect of ASSBEEF. I think It says you are infinately better than I am, but that's not saying much cause I'm a moron who's going to purdue.

Today I have little or no ability to use the internet as it seems to behaving with the relability of an attourny from Guatamala. I don't even know if this is actually goingt o post as nothing is working at all, except aim, aim works, and my e-mail sometimes works. This is pissing me off and I want my 56k modem back. I'm not going to say much because you probably won't even get to see it, but I will post a link to my new counter-crap and home you can get to it here if that link doesn't work I'm not surprised but it's worth a try.

September 10, 2000
"When somebody knows you well, there's no comfort like that. When somebody need you, well there's no drug like that. Nothing falls like London rain, nothing heals me like you do."
Well, it would appear as though my parents are gag writers. Cause I don't know if they thought this would be funny or something, but I must say that it is just the least bit humorous. Anyway, that's more than enough lead-in already. When my dad handed my car back in, he then had four cars. His jag, my mom's mercedes, and my siters' saturns. There are five of us in the family who drive, and since you can only put one primary driver on each car, I am on a couple of the cars as the secondary drivers. Which ends up costing my dad a fortune in insurence. So..... .....what does my dad do? He bought me a car. Sweetness right, I have said how it wold be nice to have a car for a while now. Ahem one problem. The car is a 1986 rusted out pontiac grand am with no wheels and a blown engine that has been sitting in the back of one of may dad's saturn dealerships' used car lots for the past few months. ....Okay, everybody point and laugh at Ryan. Apparently my dad saved around $1000 per some period of time and I guess I got my wish of having my own car (glares in a general northerly direction) so I can't complain persay.

Oh and I'd like to make a correction in my entry a couple of days ago. The "general everywhere on campus" smell is in fact not horseshit. It is rather pigshit which is the only thing that could be pungent enough to spread such an oder. Now maybe my mom will stop sending me a letter EVERY DAY telling me how wrong I am. just kidding mom :)

The random chemical of the week award goes to Febreeze. As it is the miricle cleaner. It has this weird ability to have no smell itself and yet be able to remove smells from jstu about anywhere. Our neighbors have parties every week, and they get that febreeze going every sunday and all the unhappy post-party smell is gone. It's crazy I tells ya'

Oh, and to end on a decidedly happy note, I am now an official content somthing-or-other for CS Nation and I will be producing animated shorts for them on a weekly basis. Sweetness! But for now csnation is getting messed with and has been moving all over the place and something big is happening to CS Nation, so right now we are in no-content mode for a little while. The site will be back up and not be retarded shortly. Oh, and Security Gaurd liked the idea for and I have the design set up, I just have to work on the addition of all those old c-craps to the archive section. So I will do that when I stumble across some more free time, as in not now.

September 11, 2000
"Today is gonna be the day That they're gonna throw it back to you By now you should've somehow Realised what you gotta do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do about you now Backbeat the word is on the street That the fire in your heart is out I'm sure you've heard it all before But you never really had a doubt I don't believe that anybody feels The way I do about you now And all the roads we have to walk are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would Like to say to you But I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me? And after all You're my wonderwall Today was gonna be the day But they'll never throw it back to you By now you should've somehow Realised what you're not to do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do About you now And all the roads that lead you there are winding And all the lights that light the way are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you But I don't know how I said maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me? And after all You're my wonderwall I said maybe (I said maybe) You're gonna be the that who saves me? And after all You're my wonderwall I said maybe (I said maybe) You're gonna be the one that saves me? (That saves me) You're gonna be the one that saves me? (That saves me) You're gonna be the one that saves me? (That saves me) "
Well, as you can see the site has had just a couple of minor changes made to it. I redid the menu bar across the top, as well as added a splash/opening menu screen that has some mezmorizing lights and music. Other than that today was pretty un-eventful. I feel like an oaf because I thought I had a chem lab today when I didn't. It isn't until next week again. But our schedule was all screwed up due to labor day. Today chemistry was really funny, I was sitting with a few football players, and these girls adn the whole group of us were just making fun of how dumb the class was. I don't know if you remember the Tim Meadows skit on SNL a while ago where he had a talkshow on at like 4 in the morning, and every couple minutes he would stop and go, "it's now 4:37 in the am, and if you're just joining us...", well anyway, on of the football players was sitting there doing that the entire class period, "it is now 10:45 in the am, and if you're just joining us, we are learning how to balance limited reagent equations involving bologna sandwiches." we were all histarical the entire time. Good thing there were like 350 people in that lecture so that she couldn't hear us. Not that she has any control over that class anyway, but still. So then i got back home and did nothing productive but do some work to get this version of the site up. And then I went to psych where we dressed up in costumes as axons, neuro-transmitters, and receptors and ran around the room pretending we were neurons firing, that was completely awesome, I was a negative ion. Anyway, I slept from 4:30 this afternoon until 10 a'clock, so my ass isn't falling asleep for a while. It's raining and storming outside which is really cool. I love lightning, I think I've mentioned that before though. Wow, I just thought of something interesting. I have said that before, and if I was motivated I would go find where I mentioned it before. It's scary that after all this time of writting I manage to have anything new to think about. That was one of the major things that concerned me when I first set out to make this page. What was I going to talk about? what if I have nothing to say. Surely my life couldn't be interesting enough to write a whole site about. Well, I'm gussing most of you have read this site for a long time and you are either interested, disgusted/curious, or just even more bored than I am. Either way there must be something that is coming out of these hundreds of thousands of keys I have pressed. Anyway, right now it is 2 in the morning and my roommates are cooking stirfry, so I'm gonna go in on some of that, laterz, and don't stare at the splash screen for too long :)

September 12, 2000
She came out west to find the sun she lost her name but found a new one amy goes to school all day but at night in the neightborhood they call her amphetamine She is perfect in that fucked up way that all the magazines seem to want to glorify these days She looks like a teenage anthem she lookds like she used to be happy with the girl inside She looks so bored sometimes She has that super pale skin and those soft green eyes she looks like she could have bene happy in a better life She came out west just to break away clean from her family and her friends and a little girl's dream all she wants to do every night is to sit beside my window and listen to the sirens she looks like a teenage anthem and she lookds like she should have been happy in another life In another life She came out west just to break the spell after three long years in a marriage from hell six months clean living sober and right the doctors tell her everything will be alright She looks like a teenage anthem she looks like a magazine girl she looks like a teenage anthem like she used to be happy in another world. She looks like a teenage anthem. She is happy with the girl inside. She looks like a teenage anthem, and looks like she could have been. Happy in another life. In another life. Happy in another life. Met her at a party and i took her home. She is the saddest girl that i have ever known. She wakes me up in the middle of the night just to tell me everything will be alright. Amy smiles at me and tells me everything will be alright. I tell myself the same damn thing everyday. Everything will be alright.'
I would like to take a moment to mention something. In full realization that I'm sounding like a teacher when I say this, just because I indent something indicating that it is a song, it does not give you the go ahead to skip over it. I put it there with the assumption you read it and I am pretty sure at least some of ya'll skip over it to get to the "good stuff". so you know, if it's not too much to ask, take a minute and read the songs. Okay well, I hope you all appreciate the change i made today which is that now the journal defaults to viewing a page that has just the current entry, to shorten load times, and to, well keep you from having to scroll through all the entries. I would invert the entries (current on top) but that would result in a whole shitload of problems when it comes to my archiving of old entries, so... ....fuck dat shit. So now you get little bit sized chuncks, and if you want the old entries, you can get those too. Yay, everyone wins, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a pain in my ass to change it so that it does that now. If you looked at all the shit i go through to make the splash thing work in conjunction with all the other pieces of this site, as well as to maintain continuity of the menus you'd probably either go into a coma or vomit, or vomit and then go into a coma and choke on the vomit. Yuk, I know. So I'm running around like a nut today. I bought some "beef" patties from Meijer to make some cheeseburgers. and ahem, they are really fucking nasty. I'm not entirely sure they are "beef" as the run off from the gril solidified into a brick of general nastiness and evil that I don't care to describe any further. So Hans and I came down to the wire when it came to ece110 homework, he got some of his in before midnight, I got all of mine in, you just get a bit of a deduction for it being late, so he'll be fine, they aren't a huge thing with your grade unless you jsut don't do them at all. Joel is going photo happy on his site, so, in that spirit, I am going to get me a decent digital camera and I'll do that this weekend so that I will have it sunday, and you can prolly expect pictures up here then. Give you idea on the looks of the place I am living in. It's actually very very nice here. Oh well, I have an 8 o'clock tomorrow, (urgh) do I am going to get some sleep. tomorrow I have a bunch of stuff I want to get done, and I'm not going to let myself stray from that plan :). Laterz. oh and ahem. Hans made a really funny joke for once yesterday, and because I am so proud of him, I will look past the fact that the joke rips on me, but I actually laughed. The exchnge went like this:
Ryan: hey, what does my car have in common with my bed?
Hans: they are both sitting on cinder blocks (laughs)
Ryan: exactly (laughs)
Hans: hey what's one difference between your bed and your car?
Ryan: (hesitant) what?
Hans: Something on your car has been blown! (laughs histerically and falls out of chair)
Ryan: (laughs a little, and then crawls into a hole and shoots himself)
Yes well, sometimes we have to laugh at life's little misfortunes, what can I say?

September 13, 2000
"If you want beautiful, pitiful, have me in a picture and if you want make me dance, throw me round spin upon your finger Blind labors the blind and I am unwilling to uncover my eyes And if you want take your time rifle through, find a very nice one if there's a crease in my face over time, there's plenty more where that came from Words, frozen, will thaw when I am wasted, I am better shut up and a frame is quite confining, hang me up...hang me up I'm in the photograph When i'm alone and the world is a fist, I am weightless a universe, gravitate, orchestrate, I am fearless and spin, the sky surrounding free from all the picture perfect and spin the sky surrounding, larger than life, meanwhile, I'm in the photograph "
Yes I made the version table as a joke, no, I didn't make sure all of that was in the perfect correct order, no I don't care, yes I am going to leave it there. Okay now that that is out of the way... I got the chem done that I was talking about yesterday so I feel all better now that that is all up to date, and I'm all set in all of my classes now once again. I saw this cartoon today making fun of those old dunkin' doughnuts commercials, and just laughed histarically in the middle of my chem lecture. I mean wtf?!? Other than that I haven't done much but sleep, so I have nothing to say.

September 14, 2000
So... ...Very... ...Tired... I sat up for two hours tonight in #D-smiley talking with RzE, ScountNight, Joel, Lost, and Rotten about space-time, infinity, exsistence, and of course we threw death in there too. I'm too sick of it to talk about it more here, but maybe I will later. This thing looks cool whether it has a usful purpose or not. Although with the rise of games like CS, TFC, and Tribes, Microsoft may be putting their eggs in the right basket. Tomorrow I am going home for the weekend to get my lower wire off (yay finally) not that it really bothered me. Most people don't notice nor care about lower teeth, they are merely there for the upper teeth to have something to work with. I have a whole ton of ideas for counter-craps in my head, so I am just writing outlines for them down. I don't have time to make them right now cause I have two tests next week, and I am going to be home all weekend. Anyway, that's about it for now, going to sleep or somthing

September 17, 2000
Okay a few quick things before I get some sleep, I went home this weekend was cool, so now I don't have my lower braces off, yay! (and there was much rejoicing) most people didn't even know I've had braces cause my top one's have been of for a really long time now, my bottom teeth are just retarded (well, they were anyway) I also grabbed myself a pimp digital camera when I was home, and I made a photo gallery of our room. I will make some other galleries of people on our floor, places around campus, and even some of my classes one I get the hang of all the features on this thing. It has all the fun stuff of a "real" camera (f-stop, shutter speed, manual focus, flash delays, all kinds of cool stuff. So it is going to be really cool. Oh, and while I'm on the topic of pictures. Tonight there was a house show for WWF at assembly hall here at U of I, I didn't go cause I didn't know who was going to be there, and really just don't have a good reason why I didn't. Anyway, somehow my sister Lauren ended up coming up with a good deal. She got paid to go and be a "crash girl" (on of crash hollywoods escorts to the ring) and had a bunch of pictures with the WWF guys. Wow, that's really cool.

On another kinda cool note, I got a mail from tycho over at Penny-Arcade about one of my counter-crap flashes. Here is the letter:
Subject: Champu, yo - you gotz da MAD COUNTER STRIKE COMICS
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 19:39:17 -0700
From: "\(CW\)Tycho Brahe"

Dammit, I swear to god

is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life.

That's really cool, I love tycho and gabe, and a compliment like that means a lot, not to put-down any other people that sent me letters, but c'mon, it's tycho...

So I have an ECE110 test and a chem lab tomorrow, which means it's nighty night time for me, cause I have to get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow, yuck, this friday will be one I welcome a lot... :)

September 18, 2000
I know several of you read Something Awful, but I know quite a few of you don't too. But today's awful link of the day is very truely one of the worst digital eyesores I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. Here is a link: Clan Spider Monkeys. But don't even bother clicking that link because all that lies on the other side of it is a collection of obnoxious colors, pointless javascript, and random annoying midi music that sucks. Oh, and they apparently really really like their host's 404 Error page, because they have put up several links to it. From what I can decern, the only link that works goes to the poetry section, and then on that page, the only poem link that works, is called (warning, don't click here, I'm serious, don't, it's so horrible) "Stick" the poem makes it very clear, very quickly that it has no point other than to curse. Seriously, I find it insulting that they even call that random thoughtless mess poetry. I love their quote:
This section is devoted to poems about drugs, sex, and shit like that. Most people who write poems are gay fags who suck a lot of dick. But these poems were written by normal people. If you have a poem to submit please email us.
Hmm well, first of all do I have to point out that they are basically saying "gay fags" are abnormal, as far as I'm concerned people can do what they gotta do. I'm by no means gay, but you know, I must be a complete freak in their book, because, you know, normal people shoot up and take out their aggression in sex, I see, wow I better commit myself. And I love the little typing javascript thing at the top that seems to be some sort of monument to wasting my time. And at the end of it, it reads, "I hope you find this website to be satisfactory".... ....Satisfactory at what, getting me to the server's 404 page as quickly and efficiently as possible. Why don't they just make the whole website foreward me there so I don't have to endure any more of that shit midi music while I'm trying to listen to my mp3s.

Okay I'm done, sorry I snap like that sometimes. I walked around campus and took some random pictures of buildings around campus, when I get a few more I'll make a gallery of them. I won't post any movies I can make with my camera until I learn to get the size down. Maybe I'll learn how to use primere, maybe I won't bother, we'll see. Anyway since you are prolly bored now, and I'm sure you feel left out if you didn't get that last little movie cause of a slow internet connection. You can see the cutest picture I've seen in a long time:

See wasn't that worth reading the journal entry? I think Katie is definately going to be a great school teacher, she certainly does have a way with children. Which leaves me at a loss to explain this image:

Ohhhh, boo hiss, yeah I know it was a horrible joke, but ya'll can shut up now, I know a lot of you were lauging on the inside. Anyway, I had my first ECE 110 test today, and it was a complete joke, we barely had to know anytihng and the last of five problems litterally took no thought whatsoever. I'm not going to let it get to my head though, you never know when a course can go from stupid to impossible. Oh well, chem homework, later.

September 19, 2000
Uh oh, there is a loud rattling and clanging noise coming from the inside of my computer... No, wait, that's my ankle, but anyway, you know what that means! That's right it's time for another episode of

(cue gameshow music now) ah we have a bunch of new contestants today, let's welcome them up to the stage. Contestant number one, tell us about yourself.
Subject: Protect Your Driving record Forever /Call Now (3859)
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 13:55:29 -0400 (EDT)


We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee!

(323) 667-2568

Twelve good reasons to get an International Drivers License (IDL):

Suspended or revoked.
Need auto insurance.
Rent cars with it.
No test required.
No Social Security Number required.
Not listed in DMV database.
No more violation points...ever!
Get out of most tickets with a simple warning.
Translated into 11 languages.
Valid for motorcycles and commercial vehicles.
Valid in all 50 states.
We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee!

(323) 667-2568

opt out instructions:
to be removed type "remove"
go to
Now I'm sure, all of you love all those people out there who have run into you, all those people you see driving under the influencem all those people, wrapping their cars around buildings, and the natural selection of driving, took away their privlidges. Well, apparently someone has founded the "Even shit-heads need to drive" foundation. yay! rejoice in the fact that the person who only wrecked your car in the last accident is aiming to do perminant spinal cord damage this time. I'm so glad we give people a second chance (zoom in on tear)
Subject: Protect your family bkelc
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 13:04:17 +0500 (GMT+0500)

Now you can protect your Privacy Online and Offline from the powers that are watching your each and every move online. Loading Cookies on your computer and tracking your Internet location (IP address) are their primary targets but they are getting much more sophisticated and invasive. You would not believe how much information they are gathering about you and you're your family without your approval and knowledge.

Our Net Privacy Club will empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to
protect you and your family's online privacy.

Membership in our Net Privacy Club gives you all the following and more:

* Browse websites totally anonymously giving the appearance that you are from a
foreign country to anyone checking you out.

* Send email and post to newsgroups totally anonymous. Obtain access to newsgroups
currently not available from your ISP.

* Protect your computer from online break in. The Net Privacy Club will point you to
the resources and empower you with the knowledge to protect your privacy.

* Mask your Internet location (IP address) while using IRC or ICQ and exercise your
1st Amendment rights freely without being traced.

* Work anonymously and securely

* Be automatically alerted if someone tries to probe your computer while you are on
the Internet.

* Is some agency snooping on you? Stop them dead in their tracks!!

* The tools and knowledge you'll need to protect the contents of your computer.
We'll show you how to completely delete and erase files on your computer and give you
access to the tools that law enforcement and other government authorities use to find
files that you thought were deleted.

Receive Comprehensive Privacy updates on a continuing basis. Protect your Online
Privacy for only $29.95 for membership in the most comprehensive Privacy site on the

Take action to defend your online freedom and privacy now.
Gee, if I sign up for their plan do I get to keep that random fucking hotmail account they masked this with? They need to understand a little phrase called "target demographic". Okay what is their target demographic? Simple: paranoid stupid people who think "the man" is out to get them with high tech espionage. Do these people use IRC and ICQ on a regular basis? Lemme rephrase that, could these people distinguish between ICQ, IRC and Peapod shop at home service? probably not. The advertisement would be a lot cooler if it made up random stuff about alien hackers, and myseterious death counters being stored on their computer's RAM. he he, now that I'd enjoy.
Subject: The Internet Spy Guide. Find out Info on Anyone!
Date: Sun, 28 May 00 16:38:13 EST



Why? Because these secrets were never intended to reach your eyes...
Get the facts on anyuone!

Locate Missing Persons, find Lost Relatives, obtain Addresses
and Phone Numbers of old school friends, even Skip Trace Dead
Beat Spouses. This is not a Private Investigator, but a
sophisticated SOFTWARE program DESIGNED to automatically
CRACK YOUR CASE with links to thousands of Public Record databases.

Find out SECRETS about your relatives, friends, enemies,
and everyone else! Even your spouse! With the New,

It's absolutely astounding! Here's what you can learn.

License plate number!
Get anyone's name and address with just a license plate number!
(Find that girl you met in traffic!)

Driving record!
Get anyone's driving record!

Social security number!
Trace anyone by social security number!

Get anyone's address with just a name!

Unlisted phone numbers!
Get anyone's phone number with just a name even unlisted numbers!

Long lost friends, relatives, a past lover who broke your heart!

Send anonymous e-mail completely untraceable!

Dirty secrets!
Discover dirty secrets your in-laws don't want you to know!

Investigate anyone!
Use the sources that private invesigators use (all on the Internet)

Learn how to get information on an ex-spouse that will help you
win in court! (Dig up old skeletons)!

Criminal search Background check!
Find out about your daughter's boyfriend!

Find out!
If you are being investigated!

Learn all about your mysterious neighbors! Find out what they
have to hide!

People you work with!
Be astonished by what you'll learn about people you work with!

Education verification!
Did he really graduate college? Find out!

Internet Spy and You!
Software will help yuou discover ANYTHING about anyone, with
clickable hyperlinks and no typing in internet addresses! Just
insert the floppy disk and Go!

You will be shocked and amazed by the secrets that can be
discovered about absolutely everyone! Find out the secrets
they don't want you to know! About others, about yourself!

It's INCREDIBLE what you can find out using Internet Spy and You
and the Internet! You'll be riveted to your computer screen!
Get the software they're trying to ban! Before it's too late!
Who is willing to bet that this was sent by the same orginization as the last one to all the same people :) Okay well that's enough of that for now. We played with a spinny thingy in psych class yesterday, and I took the oportunity to share it with you in a nice little flash form on my website. In case you haven't done this before, here is what you do; you look at the center of the spiral for oh, give it about 30 seconds, then you look away at something, and, well, go see for yourself. I got an A on my ECE 110 test today, and I did well on my chem lab. I just have to do a little catch up for my calc test on thursday, not a big deal really. Right now I am working on some problems for chem, which are not hard, and I think I am going to do real well on the test next Thursday. Still no time for the other photo gallaries, not til this weekend. I am going to hit,, and the photo gallaries this weekend as I will have practially nothing to do over the weekend otherwise... the great thing about having a week like the one I am in now is getting a weekend almost completely off. Oh, and just kinda a interesting little snipit of weirdness; when I went to go look at my grade for my ece test online. The first thing it gives you is a "course average" and your "current grade", which it had listed as 7.2% and F respectively. I was like, uh, what the FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?! I then came to the realization that, wait a sec, it averages in zeros for all the stuff we haven't done yet. Wow, that's really dumb, anyway, me go work now, later.

September 20, 2000
Yay! a couple more poems for ya'll
my hands are not who I am
they do not define me as a person
I look at my hands, and in every crease
lies a memory to be told

my hands do not decide what I do
they are merely tool of my mind
they are work horses of my body
they do everything and nothing I want them to

my hands are scuffed beyond belief
my hands have been everywhere with me
they write, they massage, they type
they carress, they lift weights, they grow calloused

my hands are not inanimate objects
they look to my mind for direction
I look at my hands and I realize
my hands are what I have done

What was I doing there?
Well then, I got my ECE test back today. I missed one little question because I wrote down the wrong formula for rms current. and I had a couple negative signs screwed up, but that was about it. Next time we have a test I am going to hijack our floor lounge, order a pizza (or two) and get come people (so far five and I'm working on maybe a few more) and we will all sit there, write our "cheet sheets" together, and bring up any questions that we don't feel we have straight. Yes I realize that I could have called it a study group, but you know what, fuck you. Today has gone rather well so far. If you haven't, take a look at today's penny-arcade news and if you look at the link section you will notice is in there. As far as I know I have Crispy to thank for that little taste of linkage. Tonight I re-learned, or maybe more appropriately, learned for the first time, all the material in my calc class. So now I know how to find more vectors coming out of a 3-d curve than I have ever wanted. But now it is really really fucking late and I still have a little busy chem work to go.

September 22, 2000
Uh, is this thing on...?

okay right my website, I think I tripped over something in the last couple days and haven't been able to get up. Those fucking paramedics around here are awful like that, they will only handle emergency calls in writting. So now I'm alive again and I have the limited use of my arms, so you best be happy that I am writting this with what little arm strength I have in me.

This morning I didn't go to my 8 o'clock class. Ha ha ha ha, I spit on you ece110. No in all seriousness. I woke up according to the usual friday morning 7:15 schedule, and I went to go check my messages as I usually do, and upon sitting at my computer for five minutes I came to realize that the noise I was hearing was not that of bass (usually you don't hear loud stereos at a quarter after 7 in the morning, but around here you can never tell), but rather it was the sound of a vain in my forehead beating rythmically against my foreward lobe. If you have ever had a bad headache before you still have no idea what I felt like this morning. I actually stopped for a second and thought (as best I could) well, I should go to ece today, but would I be able to hear the professor over my headache, answer probably not, and besides, I had a quiz in my only other class at two, and I wanted to get some extra rest so that I could take that quiz in decent health. oh well, decisions, decisions.

Okay, I think I may have reached some form of resolution about I talked over the whole thing with rizzuh, and we decided to screw with the current set up before we do something as drastic as move ccrap off of csnation. I will see how it goes.

hmm, does anything in this picture seem wrong to you:

is that a bit excessive maybe? ... ... nah.

So tomorrow I will make my next counter-crap and that will be happy. I will also try and get those photo gallaries put together sometime this weekend too, we shall see. Another thing that I have to get off my ass and get done is I have to fix my Rio. I brought it back with me from when I came back from home. But the battery door is all broked, so I need to figure something to do with that. Hopefully not involving duct tape, althought that would be cool. I can see myself walking around with a Rio covered with duct tape holding it together...

hmm, I currently, however, see myself going to sleep.

September 24, 2000
I am so incredibly out of it this weekend. I have been so tired and just kinda shitty feeling. Just a couple new things. is coming down, rather than the original plan, I will just post comics on cs nation myself. I guess that works for me. but yeah that's be interesting.

The counter-crap I was making is still under construction but I have been so tired and groggy this weekend I only have a chunk of it done, maybe a third, it's going to be kinda big, and it's taking awhile, but it does promise to be funny, so keep an eye out.
phydeaux36: done yet?
chaz720: hahahaa
chaz720: oh you're serious?
chaz720: no
chaz720: i'm going to sleep
phydeaux36: sleep?
chaz720: I'm gonna fall on my keyboard
phydeaux36: when you could be doing counter-crap?
chaz720: dude...
chaz720: I want to
phydeaux36: hehe
chaz720: but I can't even hold my focus on the monitor
phydeaux36: fine
phydeaux36: be that way
phydeaux36: bastard.
chaz720: die and burn joel
chaz720: die and burn
phydeaux36: =D
I have been making failed attempts to make the kh2 site lately but it kept crashing flash when I would try and use these symbols in it, so I pop it open in flash 5 on my win2k box, and it seems to wrok, so i save it, now I can't fucking open it in flash 4, fuck you macromedia, fuck you.

um, yeah I but another line in here but I got nothing to say I'm going to sleep.

September 25, 2000
phydeaux36: you sure you dont see any resnet with 1024?
chaz720: yes
phydeaux36: yes you do, or yes you're sure you dont
chaz720: false
phydeaux36: FUCK YOU
Man is he irritable, he he. Okay, well as you may or may not have read I took down in favor of a different plan that RzE and I agreed on. But for a while I had a funny little post talking about how RzE was threatening to sue me and crap, and I was thinking about taking my cartoons elsewhere under a different name. So I got some interesting E-mails, I'll show you a few just to give you the general theme of things
Subject: It is time to plan revenge
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 04:02:19 -0400
From: (andre leclerc)

Wtf??? You mean, you got too good for SG's taste? Wasn't he okay having
others submitting counter-crap thingny?
And what about RzE? Its not like counter-crap is a registered trademark!
Furthermore, don't think you planned actualy making money out of it
(you're page had no banner, right?).

Friend, it is time to plan revenge. Go get your fav' AK-47 and fellow
me. A well placed C4 in CS-Nation headquarters should settle the
um, I can only hope he is not serious.
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 19:16:51 +1000
From: "Glen Coates"

were all your "old cartoons" on the site? If not, then GIMME!! :P
btw, tell RzE to shove that law-suit up his monkeh ass, COUNTER-CRAP.ORG RULES MOFO!!!


The Crazy Mofo
"tell RzE to shove that law-suit up his monkeh ass" I'm sorry but that's awesome.
Subject: Thats not cool
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 04:35:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Family Unverdruss ""

Hey champu,

It's sorta upsetting because I sent you this big long email through outlook only to find that it screwed up in the sending and the email got lost, so im just sending you one from my account. The basic jist of my last letter was that rizzuh's not cool. Hence the subject. And i also said that, if anything, bolstered visits to CS nation, and thats good for rizzuh, so why he would want it shut down, i just dont know. I also noticed that though he might say that "CS nation owns counter-crap, we have copyrights!" and then threatens to sue you, im sure that underneith all this he's jut angry because most counter-crap movies make fun of him, and I used to have respect for him just because he could take all of this as such a joke, but now I think I lost all respect for him. That last thing I said was this, if anything, please keep making the movies, just as a different name so then ruzzuh doesn't have any grounds to sue you on, because they really were funny as hell.

Well I hate to break everyone's heart but I'm not going to be bombing CS Nation's headquarters over a bunch a flash movies, as much fun as that sounds like. But I assure you all we will get something going that will work and that will be the end of that, no lawsuits, no de_csnation.bsp, sorry, I dunno, maybe I'll make a counter-crap about the whole thing, not now though.

This morning was oh just a load of fun. I get up around 7:30, still half asleep I get ready for class, I glance out the window and say, eh, looks crappy outside. So I throw on a hooded sweatshirt and go outside. It was fucking pouring, but at that point I didn't have time to get an umbrella or I'd be late to class (And it turned out that we had a pop quiz in that class anyway so I'm glad I didn't waste my time) Crispy has been writting a lot of very cool poetic type stuff over at his site in the past few days, and one of his more in depth topics was rain, so you know what I wrote my own little rain poem today
I hate the fucking rain
god damn it it's raining again
shit, now I'm cold cause it's raining
go to hell you fucking clouds
I feel that piece is very symbolic in it's discussion of arguments for and against rain, and if examined closer, one can see the obvious inner meaning... ...cough

I have found, by explaining to a few friends that I still remember almost all the stuff that I learned in physics junior year. Wow, Mr. Grimm really was a great teacher. I am explaining this stuff to people who are taking the class now, that's just crazy, er, maybe I'm just a dork, I perfer the crazy explaination.

Oh, and I didn't really want to get into it all that much without something to put my case on, but I know have some evidence that points toward the Illini being screwed by the refs. Well, if there was any question about whether or not michigan fumbled the ball on the play right before the game winning touchdown, I think this video might shed some light on the subject. I love the caption "he appears to fumble" in an article I saw, lol, that's great. I am going to get some sleep I have to be up at 10 tomorrow :).

September 26, 2000
Well, if you haven't heard already, read the article about the Big Ten apoligizing to Illinois concerning the missed calls. But Ron Turner is handling this very well. I agree, the Wolverines had been on a comback at that point, and they played a good game, the errors just made it a bit easier for them, they still had to be there to win.

And now that we all know it sucked for the Illini, and we all know the refs calls were bad, that is the last you will hear of it from me. No amout of argument is going to change the past

*** ChanServ sets mode: -bitching

so today I got my math test back, I got an A, an A- actually, but who's counting? :), So that makes me feel generally better. I took my chem test today and we got the awnsers as we walked out the door, so as far as I can calculate I have an A on that too. Glee and happiness! so that's three tests so far and three A's, that and all my labs I have done well I fell like I am getting off to a really

*** ChanServ sets mode: -gloating

Okay today we finally got the little talking to as a class with the whole "this many people drop out, this many people people graduate here at UofI, this many people graduate as engineers, and finally the percentage of people that actually graduate as ECE majors as they had intended. the numbers were pretty decent but "we can do better" and they would "like to see each and every one of us walk out of here with an ECE diploma" okay well, if you try in college fine, if not that's fine too, but you won't get oo far. Although if college either a) stays at about this level, or b) gets harder somewhat gradually, then I will be fine. Cause right now, I don't do all that much work I don't think, maybe it's just me. Oh well, 7 o'clock tomorrow and I have had a long day

*** ChanServ sets mode: +sleep

September 27, 2000
"No matter how hard this wind tries to push me back, I recite a single spell and i set the pace my own way. Anyone who's jelous of my power, and my beauty won't get in the way. I won't flinch from any opponant as my cape flaps in the breeze. I want to do that, I want to do this, hey that's just how girls are. One slip and it's to hell you go, so you better not get in my way! Far away going where I want to, don't want this journey to ever end. Even the worst of days I'll finish with a smile. Far away, embracing all the magic, I wanna go beyond this day. With my eyes on my dreams, I keep walking on as far as I can. Get along, try again.
Um, right, I guess it loses something in the translation. If you aren't Joel I'm guessing you are prolly wondering where the hell that song is from right about now. It's the theme from "Slayers" an anime cartoon that is really funny if only for the first 20 times you watch it. As funny as it is, I don't wish seeing it on anyone.

I re-wrote my game "press v2.0" for the TI-89. The basic jist of the game is it randomly picks the text "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", or "F5". and displays it over one of those five keys, yet again randomly. So let's say it puts "F1" over the F3 key, you have to hit F1 even know it's over F3. At the end of a given period of time it gives you your score based on how many you got right, and it corrects for errors you make. You can enter your name for the hiscore and all that other crap... Okay, it sounds stupid, but watching people sit there and go, "ah crap", "shit no", and "damn this thing" over a game so simple is all worth it. I wrote it this morning in ECE110 cause I got bored.

Okay, as I was sitting here writting this, I got a mail from my mom with some really shitty news. Not going to get into it, just going to hope for the best.. uhrg, well I have to go, I have to think positive.

September 29, 2000
"Tonight I'm tangled in my Blanket of clouds Dreaming aloud Things just won't do without you Matter of fact I'm on your back If you walk out on me I'm walking after you If you'd accept surrender I'll give up some more Weren't you adored? I cannot be without you Matter of fact I'm on your back If you walk out on me I'm walking after you Another heart cracked In two I'm on your back
Well it's been a couple of days but things are going okay. sorry to scare you all with the bad news stuff, my dog Mai Tai had surgery on her cheek to remove a tumor and things were looking bad for a while, but she appears to be recovering very well. I was really worried for a while there. Yay! glad that's done.

Okay, tomorrow is the day, I am going to finish the new counter-crap I am working on, and I will also get the kellhounds website going as well but that is all tomorrow and I'll get into that then.

So tonight was Katie's 19th birthday so we all agreed she had to get smashed. I think it went pretty well, she was havinga really good time, and she was laughin and falling all over herself, it was great. She just kept saying how she was upset with us preemptively cause she thought we were going to make fun of her tomorrow for it. Pfft, if people actually got made fun of jsut for getting drunk, no one on campus would be left with any self-esteem whatsoever.

Today I feel like a dunce. I get up at 7:30, and I go to my 8 o'clock ECE class. then after i get home I work on some shit for a while, then I go to sleep and forgot to set an alarm, resulting in me sleeping through my 2 o'clock psych class, wtf, grr. I like that class too so it pisses me off that I miss it. Oh well, ust results in a bit more reading that I would have eventually had to have done anyway.

*** chanserv sets mode: +sleep

September 30, 2000
CRISPY2154: The aardvark was made on "Take Your Kid To Work Day."
chaz720: So, Jesus made that one?
CRISPY2154: Jesus, a good messiah, but a crappy biological engineer.
Although not done, I did get more work done on everything. I woke up kinda late this afternoon, so ya know.

I am starting to get very frustrated with the crap I have to put up with as far as the internet goes. This (and you can quote me here) is the worst internet connection I have ever had to put up with. It is
  • unreliable
  • slow
  • shitty
  • crappy
  • often times non-exsistant
I really really want my 56k modem back. I was playing counterstrike with the group for a while but then I had to leave cause my connection went to shit and my ping landed somewhere around 2500. Now, I may be pretty good, but anticipating two and a half seconds into the future is kinda hard, even for someone like me.
phydeaux36: did you like slayers?
chaz720: oh no
chaz720: i smell a
chaz720: then you will love...
chaz720: coming on
phydeaux36: i watched 8 hours of it today.
phydeaux36: and i'm about halfway through the series!
chaz720: holy
chaz720: shit
For the love of the questionable exsistance of a higher life form, no more Anime please no! I can't take it anymore hgaghaghahgahgaghahgahga!!!!!1

where was I, oh yes I was talking about avacados. So I have this thing for avacados now. I think my sister got me started on them or something. you just put a little lemon juice and some pepper and... ...mmmmm... ...avacados.

*** chanserv sets mode: -avacados

damn that blasted chanserv, who the hell let him out of his cage again? So yay, my dog appears to be an active being again WOOHOO! you have no idea how releaving this is for me. I have been so bummed the past few days over this, it's been really tough for me. and I just got an e-mail from my parents telling me, well, I'll let you read it:
Subject: maitai
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 23:39:04 -0700
From: Manny and Eileen Simpson ""
To: Ryan Simpson ""

muppy is fine. SHE'S taking her meds fine in chuncky peanut butter,
yum! She has a "cone head" but not nearly as wide-- she caneat and
drinck really well with the thing in place. another topic: the tv in
the greenhouse room has okay vidio but no audio; the mute button is not
involved. Any ideas as to what button may have been inadvertantly pushed
to cause the problem? I'm glad you're feeling better. Love :) Mom.
Yay for Mai Tai, if you are reading this dad, go buy that veternarian a bottle of whatever he drinks :).

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