March 22, 2001
Finally I figured out But it took a long, long time But now there's a turnabout Maybe 'cause I'm trying There's been times, I'm so confused All my roads, they lead to you I just can't turn and walk away It's hard to say what it is I see in you Wonder if I'll always be with you But words can't say, and I can't do Enough to prove, it's all for you I thought I'd seen it all 'Cause it's been a long, long time Oh but then we'll trip and fall Wondering if I'm blind Rain comes pouring down, falling from blue skies Words without a sound, coming from your eyes It's hard to say, it's hard to say It's all for you
First off, can I please get a gameboy that is bigger than a deck of cards? I just got mario tennis and I love the game it's great and all but the damn gameboy is just not made for the big-pawed folk.

For some reason, even though I never seem to get anything done, I am always busy. I don't know what is going on here. I have intentionally cut back on my sleep because I had been getting too much of it over break and I had almost no energy during the day. So I'm hoping a little less sleep with step up the 'ol metabolism. But even this extra time awake seems to be consumed by the time-warp gnomes that don't let me get anything done, ever. I speant quite a while today fucking with my website to make it be more cross-browser friendly, and although I'm not done, I have made some progress. My site now looks perfect in MSIE 5.5, MSIE 4.0, Mozilla, Opera, and Netscape 6. Netscape 4 still remains a pain in the ass as it feels it knows what's best for my site... I'm slowly but surely chipping away at the evil. As soon as I get a couple more gallaries compiled I will put up a photos section for all to see. I already have two from a while ago, but I'm too lazy to link them here.

Taking a break from the stupid talk of websites, I am finally happy to be enroled in my engineering class. We finally have a new professor who I can believe has a Ph.D. He has a sharp wit and actually knows how to put something in front of the class in such a way that you can remember it, and if not, at least write down what he says and figure it out later, something that was nearly impossible before.

Hans:Sometime before I graduate, I am going to drive my car across the quad
Ryan:Oh I can see it now- *officer: liscence and registration please *you: what seems to be the problem sir? *officer: I clocked you going 45, do you know what the posted speed limit? *hans: I didn't see any speed limit posted. *officer: maybe that's because you were DRIVING ON A FUCKING SIDEWALK, get out of the car now

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