April 27, 2001
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk? I didn't mean to call you that. I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me. Please tell me, please tell me why, My car is in the front yard. And I'm sleeping with my clothes on. I came in through the window last night and you're gone...gone. It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy. 'Cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me. The smoke alarm is going off, and there's a cigarette, Still burning. Please tell me why my car is in the front yard. And I'm sleeping with my clothes on. I came in through the window last night and you're gone...gone. It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy. 'Cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me. Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk? I didn't mean to call you that.
Once again I have the plague or some seemingly just as awful illness. I don't get why this only seems to happen just in time for the weekend. I am feeling better this afternoon after having taken some dayquil, I haven't decided if I'm going to go out or if I'm just going to relax tonight and watch a movie or something. Probably the later, but around here, who knows what crazy places people are going to try and drag me :P

There seems to be another random influx of e-mails containing "how do you do that's" about flash. I found one person that was asking me something that I didn't really know how to do but it kinda intregued me so I went out looking for a tutorial on how to do it. I now know why I get so many e-mails asking me to explain things, most tutorials are about as helpful to making movies as a 5 pound blob of silly putty. Most are written by those whose command of the English language appears to have been relinquished. Admidst the mess of crap there are a few that I did think were useful and I was able to get those out to those in need, joy of joys.

I actually just got in from taking a test in Difeq after just having studied (read: learned for the first time) the material for the previous 5 hours. And I think I did very very well on the test. I felt pretty confident going into as although the material is very difficult there were not all that many types of problems that we had to know how to do, so I was able to get each of them down pretty damn well. Now you may be asking yourself, if I've talked so much about how great my Difeq prof is and how fun the class is and you haven't missed a single class, then why in god's name am I having to learn all this stuff the morning of the test. Well, I don't usually do the homework until the test is coming up because this helps me have examples of all the different types of problems right in my head while I take the test (this actually works by the way) and upon trying to do the homework yesterday, I realized that I had never seen anything like this in any of the lectures. At some point or another (presumably as a sick joke) my professor went from teaching actual problems to teaching how the equations that we would use to solve said problems came about... ...ignoring completely that whole step of, you guessed it, solving the actual problems. But, since I had gone to class every day, and I knew more than I could ever possibly want to know about eigen-values and fourier series, I was able to teach myself how to do all the different types of probles and work through several of them in about 4-5 hours, even under the influence of dayquil. Needless to say, when I got back from the test, I proposed a toast to "fuck math" with my roommates.

I notice I have this sorotiry sticker stuck on my shelf here, I remember taking it off myself and putting it there at some point but the details are foggy. I guess some girl must have like, stuck it on me, or like something.

This summer is looking really great, my car and my job are official and both look as though they are going to rule, now just what to do about this whole "finals" thing I have to go through in a week *grimaces*

almost as if by magic, it appears to be summer outside already. What did I say about spring being passed up and me not liking it, grrr. the trees bloomed, the weather got warmer, but along came the humidity. Still no bugs yet *knocks on wood*

Once again I would like to know where my hot water is.

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