October 12, 2001
Alone...listless...breakfast table in an otherwise empty room. Young of her own attention. The, mother reads aloud, child, tries to understand it. Tries to make her proud. The shades go down, inside her head. Painted room...can't deny there's something wrong... Don't call me daughter, not fit to. The picture kept will remind me. Don't call me daughter, not fit to be. The picture kept will remind me. Don't call me... She holds the hand that holds her down. She will...rise above...ooh...oh... Don't call me daughter, not fit to. The picture kept will remind me. Don't call me daughter, not fit to be. The picture kept will remind me. Don't call me...
Well, at the end of the day I'll be in Ohio with the Purdue and OSU bunch of lackies, so I suppose I'm looking forward to that or something :P. Eh, I still got a quiz between now and then, and whenever something like that happens it usually kinda presents a bit of an excitement barrierfor me. I try to keep myself focused on classes before I get excited about things, eh maybe that's the true root of dorkdom but oh well.

I finished the pcf clan site recently, so it's all set and ready to go for when we get the new server up and everything is operational. The members seem to like it so that's good cause I actually spent a decent chunk of time on it. But it's cool, cause I'll always have the code I wrote and I can actually see other applications for it that could be useful sometime in the future. Or I could possibly monkey with it a bit, and turn it into a message board script. Probably after I learn how to use MySQL.

The other chunk of my tests have gone pretty well, my philosophy test coming to mind most abruptly. It was a two short-essay test. This is, in my humble opinion, one of the easiest and best tests to take. This is because as long as you've read the material (or even just gone to class, or hell just read the cliffs notes or something) then you will most likely have enough information to throw together an essay. And what may be a forgetfulness that has left you with only some vaugue memories that went on in the reading and your own camentative ability to write the paper, can easily come accross as a unique view of the book with very clever use of examples, as sporatic as they may be. And while I read the book, went to class, (and even read the cliffs notes) the test came off the pen easily, and I actually liked some of the stuff I wrote on the test. I guess writing so much for things like this site make it pretty easy to come up with stuff as I go along, after all, this rediculous collection of nothingness is getting on a 1.6 million keystrokes, scary methinks

So no doubt at least some of you heard about the incident outside Chicago with the lunatic in the airplane who "wanted to see the cockpit" or something like that. Long story short: guy charges cockpit, captain radios FAA, airforce scrambles two F-16s, passengers jump the guy and tie him down with blankets and anything they can find, F-16s end up escorting the 767 to O'hare where everyone gets off the plane uninjured. I first heard about this from my mom who says the first she heard of it was when the 767 flew over our house at less than a thousand feet, and then moments later she heard about it some more as two f-16s broke the sound barrier flying over the greater schaumburg area chasing said 767 down at around 500 feet. Stuff all over the house was shaking, someone's apple tree had all the apples fall out of it or something like that. Very random, very very loud, mildly unsettling.

I think (and I should definately watch how much of that I do) that I may be able to offer a rather interesting analogy to the attack on america about a month ago now. I think that many, if not all, conflicts in the world, be them international, or interrelational spark from two different people or groups of people placing different amounts of importance on something. Joel and I were discussing the trivialization of money by rich people in front of those who aren't as well off and how much that can actually hurt someone. Likewise, if you forget your anniversary, that is most likely placing less importance on it then your spouse who is going to be incredibly mad, and you may find yourself sleeping on the couch (or in your car) that night. I think something similar happened on September 11th. When we collectively woke up that morning, it was something like coming home one day after work and finding all our cloths, cds, and tools laying all over the front lawn. Sure if you could talk more often and be open and all that other fun stuff none of this would have happened, but talking wouldn't even be necessary if you both placed the same amount of importance on everything. Think about all the times you've felt like crap because of someone else, and how it can basically be summed up as someone putting a little less importance on something you hold above a lot of things.

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