October 26, 2001
My, my what a mess we've made of our pretty little heads these days. It appears a heavy wind's blown through here recently. Best wishes have been made for you, you never had no say it's true. You have to be the cutest gravedigger I've ever seen. And all your lonely nights in the city of lights are much like all these crowded bars I so often find my stupid self stumbling through. My, my what a mess was made of my head when I heard what you'd been through that day It appears a violent storm's passed through you recently. Letters meant to be sent have been torn. The phone lies off the hook, on the floor. All these "I'm sorry"s and "I miss you"s are useless, I fucked this one up long ago. And all your lonely nights in the city of lights are much like all these crowded bars I so often find my stupid self stumbling through. Fuck you Aurora, You took my only friend. And although it's all my fault, the blaming myself had to come to an end so I say: Fuck you Aurora, You took my only friend. You wont catch me behind the wheel of a Chrysler ever again. My, my what a mess we've made of our precious little lives these days. It appears a big fucking tornado has twisted us up recently. Best wishes have been made for you, you never had no say it's true. You have to be the cutest gravedigger I've ever seen. And all your lonely nights in the city of lights are much like all these crowded bars I so often find my stupid self stumbling through.
I'm not entirely sure what to make of this song, but it's fun to listen to and when I got my hands on the lyrics I couldn't help but chuckle a bit :D

So um yeah, the whole "censorship" thing was not much beyond a miscommunication, do what you want on the front page, the only rule is no malicious links (and please don't try and argue with me on this one)

Well the windchill here is 14º (yes Fahrenheit) and, no wait- now it's 13º... well anyway, before I get too side tracked at calling the play by play as we all slowly freeze to death, I'll just go ahead and point out that we are all of course sick. Running on little more than DayQuil and sheer will power I've made it to the weekend and hopefully something good will come of my efforts.

I got the results back from my physics test and my linear algebra quiz with great steed and happily and joyfully I did very well on both of them. It's good to have a little positive reinforcement every once in a while.

Advisor Watch: I have made and had broken two appointments with my advisor this week only to recieve and e-mail yesterday telling me he was going to be out of town until tuesday... goodie... What was his reason for not being at my appointements you may ask? Apparently when he put the sign up sheets out side his office (which is in the middle of nowhere I might add) he forgot the principle that you are supposed to cross out or indicate in some other way when you are or aren't available for an appointment. So I was faced with a large blank sheet with times slots open everywhere. So I signed up for 3pm... no dice, I tried it again the next day... again no dice... then he e-mails me explaining that he is going out of town and that I had signed up during times when he was unable to be in his office, sadly the only way I could have known this was via telepathy.

I got an e-mail from the head of the ECE department here at the UofI and he's inviting me to come to an interview for a job as a tutor for either ece110 or ece290 because I got As in both of them. I sent an e-mail back saying I'd like to tutor for ece110 next semester. At the interview on plan on telling him that I will only accept the job on the condition that I be assigned a new god damn advisor

Leave it me to go out and buy a refridgerator when it's 12º outside :D. But no seriously, there were a few foody-type-items that I was reserved to buy not having a private place to stash them in fear of never actually being able to consume any of the item myself. So now with that concern in the past I can buy all the fun stuff I've always loved, like orange juice, bagels, and lipton brisk ice tea :D

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