November 26, 2001
Pick me up from the bottom. Up to the top love, everyday. Pay no mind to taunts or advances, I take my chances on everyday. Left to right. Up and down, love. I push up love love, everyday. Jump in the mud. Get your hands dirty with, Love it up everyday. All you need is... All you want is... All you need is love. All you need is... What you want is... All you need is love. Everyday. Everyday. Pick me up love from the bottom. Up onto the top love, everyday. Pay no mind to taunts or advances. I’m gonna take my chances everyday. Left to right. Up and up and inside out right. Good love fight for everyday. Jump in the mud, mud. Get my hands filthy love. Give it up love. Everyday. All you need is... All you want is... All you need is love. All you need is... What you want is... All you need is love. Everyday. Everyday. What you’ve got, Lay it down on me. What you’ve got, Lay it down on me. All you need is... All you want is... All you need is love. All you need is... What you want is... All you need is love. Everyday. Everyday. Everyday.
if you haven't seen the video for that song than I recommend you find some way to, either gnutella or a brief viewing of MTV should do the trick. That was the first time I heard the song and I thought it was pretty funny.

Yikes, back at school and rarin' to go. I have but a few things that stand before finals. Formost is a Physics test this Wednesday which just kinda bared it's ugly head out of nowhere when I got back here. It's over electromagnetic wave phenomenon (polarization, propigation, refraction) as well as general EM wave properties, and since I've apparently paid little attention to this subject matter up until now I had best study a bit for it. But it's okay cause I have most of tomorrow free to take care of that. Next up is a paper in Philosophy regarding Hume and Descartes, fun stuff. I have some more reading to do before I can write that, but it's due Friday so I should be fine. And then I have a CS program due next Friday but who really cares about CS, I mean really. Oddly enough my Math class is being very tame up unto the final date which is, now, the only remaining grade to be decided. I actually feel very good about my standing and potential final performance in all my classes with the only final that may proove tricky is the physics, but even then, that can be cured with oh so joyous practice tests.

Oh, and in the middle of writing this I just got done watching the frist episode of a japanese series FLCL (pronounced in the series "furi kuri") recommended to me by, three guesses here, joel. It's from the same people that made Evangelion, but I think on this one they've uh, well they've really outdone themselves. Somewhere around the point where the main character has a giant robot grow out of his forhead, along with what appeared to be a giant severed robot arm. The two of which then procedded to battle epically until the evil arm was destroyed all because the guy was hanging out with some poor alcoholic homeless girl that had a crush on his estranged brother. Combine this with certain scenes being simply manga (comic book kinda thing) images being scrolled all over the background while people shout things at each other, and you have yourself one bonafide crack-fest of an anime series. I don't really want to watch it anymore but the first episode has left a golfball sized hole in my brain and I feel like I need to search through the rest of the series to find out what has happened to my stolen gray-matter. I don't know if I've mentioned it yet today but Joel I hate you

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