December 06, 2001
I might be wrong. I might be wrong. I could have sworn i saw a light coming home. I used to think... I used to think, there was no future left at all. open up. begin again. lets go down the waterfall. think about the good time and never look back never look back. what would I do? what would I do, if I did not have you? open up and let me in. lets go down the waterfall. have ourselves a good time. its nothing at all. nothing at all. nothing at all.
This morning when my alarm went off I reached over (as I always do) to hit the snooze button. And about half way there my alarm turned off. Now as you know from reading, I have these weird thoughts in my head during the wee hours of the morning as my alarm is trying to wake me up. And I thought just maybe for a minute that I had finally won the eternal battle and that I had destroyed it with my mind. Unfortunately, somewhere in all the excitement I made the mistake of waking up. So now I was awake, and around the time that this started to settle in, I also noticed my computer, monitor, and ceiling fan were off. Just then I hear a somewhat hurried pounding at the door and I make my way over there and it's some contractor that was working out in the courtyard with an arc welder plugged into the outlet on our patio. Apparently it's on the same circuit as my bedroom and they got a little greedy with the power, ahem. So I flip it back on for them, make a little joke, "you know I'll be billing you guys for the power, and maintainance fees", exchange a chuckle, close the door, wish them dead, and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I went and made sure all the shit in my room was off until they finished, and just remained happy I was using win2k and not *nix because who knows whether or not my computer would have booted back up after the little black out. As I was eating my cereal I heard the breaker trip again and I beat them to the front door, yelled, "got it", closed the door, wished them dead again and flipped the breaker back. Later he told me they were done so I turned all my stuff back on, and while I was waiting for my computer to boot so I could read the news I went out and inspected their work. It appears as though they were installing a hardpoint on one of the beams out in the courtyard so that one of the afore mentioned cameras could be installed to increase security in the main area. Which at this point I don't mind so much because there are so many broken floor tiles out there from people throwing shit off the top floor that does not take very kindly to being thrown at all, much less off a 5 story belcony. It's to the point where even if we were allowed to play basketball out there we couldn't because we'd be risking a broken ankle at every drive. So maybe this will stop the breakage, maybe it won't, but hey worst case scerario we'll have security cameras that we can write little chalk messages on the ground for.

All I have to do between now and finals is study for them. And here are my plans for that. For Linear algebra I have a list of concepts and theorms that will be on the test so I can just work a few peolems of each type to make sure I have them down. Physics I can take a practice test made up of previous final questions asked. CS I will do nothing whatsoever. And Philosophy I might read over my lecture notes unless my TA tells me some revolutionary information tomorrow in our discussion section. Other than that I actually feel like I learned enough during the semester tha I don't need to sit and cram it all in at once like some classes (notably psych, econ, etc...) And I'll be done by tuesday so that's cool. I think Wednesday I'm installing a car stereo for Kevin or something like that, so I might come back Wednesday afternoon if not too late or Thursday morning to avoid traffic if it gets too late. I'll see how I feel. Yay for winter break, 5 more days...

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