March 28, 2002
Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades, waking up next to nothing after dreaming of you and me. I'm waking up all alone, waking up so relieved. While you're taking your time with apologies, I'm making my plans for revenge. Red eyes on orange horizons, if Columbus was wrong I'd drive straight off the edge. I'd drive straight off the edge. Taking your own life with boredom, I'm taking my own life with wine - it helps you to rule out the sorrow, it helps me to empty my mind. Making the most of a bad time I'm smoking the brains from my head Leaving the coal calling the kettle black and orange and red This kettle is seeing red. I've got a big fat fuckin' bone to pick with you my darling. In case you haven't heard I'm sick and tired of trying. I wish you would take my radio to bathe with you, plugged in and ready to fall.
Alkaline Trio is so hilariously bitter, I love it.

Busy, Busy, Busy. Spring break was so refreshingly boring I don't even know if words are good enough. After spending the majority of my time either doing work or putting off work, never being free of some (or several) very large assignment(s), the opportunity to wake up at noon and do nothing of any productive outcome until I fell asleep at two in the morning was awesome.

But that being over, I'm back to my usual rut. It took no time at all to end up with the same assignments each week so yay for the lack of hope for change! All joking aside my classes aren't too bad so much any more, actual real world applications are poking their heads out of the chainlinked, barbed-wire fences of calculus, trig, and physics that I've been climbing over recently. It's like I can see the real world on the other side, and I'm gonna get their any time now... really. Or at least that helps me fall asleep.

Next semester I think I have my classes picked out so I will be happy to share with you all my tenative plans for next fall, aren't you just overjoyed?
  • ECE229 - 3 hours - This is a class where we study electromagnetic waves and interference as it pertains to an engineer's life. Here we throw out the lovely assumptions of earlier physics and account for thing like solar flares when trying to figure out the maximum range you can get out of a walkie-talkie.
  • ECE249 - 2 hours - In this class we get raped for hours as the class actually meets 4 hours a week all semester and requires about 8-10 hours of work outside class to accomplish all that is asked of us, not too bad for a 2 hour course don't you think? Basically we design big 'ol circuits to do things and build them in and out of a lab, I'll spare the details.
  • MBIO 100 - 3 hours - This is to fulfil a basic science requirement and I heard microbio 100 was really easy. Studying cells and such I suppose. (if you are a microbiologist and you are offended by my trivialization of your life's work, go jump in a hole.)
  • CS 173 - 2 hours - this class is a formality that stands between me and talking further computer science courses. It covers such torturous topics as "descrete math" and "logic". Things that are assumed known in several other classes I've talken a year ago.
  • TAM 152 - 3 hours - Engineering Statics. You hang a sign from a building and support it with a cable to it's far corner, what's the tension in the cable? That kind of thing, a little more complicated though, but you get the idea.
  • COMM 2-something - 3 hours - You watch movies and discuss them, some other people are taking this and I figured it didn't sound too bad. It's a western class and I need one
So yeah that's it, it might change, it might stand, I don't really know. At some point I have to dig my worthless sack of meat they call an advisor out of his cave and hope he doesn't decide to go on vaction during the week I need him to sign forms again, the little rat bastard.

We had a discussion in my music class today and watched a video concerning the Chief Illiniwek controversy. I thought the video was almost entirely against the Chief, and portrayed all supporters as ignoramuses who wave their hands around drunkenly and claim things like, "American indians have no right to protest so lets throw rocks at them for holding up signs." There are few things I don't like being called more than a racist, as I don't desplay any hate or contempt for anyone based on their ethnic background. While I felt the magazine and newspaper ads that were run claiming the lack of sports teams named "the blacks", "the jews", or "the caucasians" has gone surprisingly unnoticed were quite clever indeed, I also feel that the people against the Cheif refusing to see this as a gray area is more close minded then those who cheer as the Chief comes out on the field or court to dance.

The fact of the matter is, everyone is going to draw a line as to where they get offended by anything in some different place. I don't care for cartoons depicting indians as tontos of the past running around smacking their hand on their lips as they shoot arrows at wagon caravans, but I fail to see a problem with a Chief that preforms a dance that all who support respect a great deal, and by no means do so to mock that which it represents. Meanwhile people who outright hate the concept of the Chief have no expressed concern over the fact that the entire state of Illinois is named after an indian tribe that was completely annihilated by European deseases and settlers who killed the remaining native population to recieve bounty from the state government. How do you draw a line at sporting event ceremonies and not and the irony of hte states name? It makes your arguement look sloppy to me. Of course I'll likely be grouped with those who shout "go back to your tipi" in the minds of protestors so I feel like I'm wasting my breath.

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