April 07, 2002
This house is full of ears, but I can't talk to anyone they've heard this one a thousand times. Most exciting thing I do - hang half way out a third floor window, maybe throw lit cigarettes down. And maybe I'll catch fire, something warm to hold me, something pure to burn away the darkness that hides inside my mind. All that evil shit's not hard to find, I guess I only claim to be nice. This house is full of eyes, but I can't look at anyone they've seen this face a thousand times. Most relaxing thing I do - hang half way out a third floor window, and look at rocks if I fall out. And maybe I'll fall hard, something tough to break me, something sharp to rip into my insides and bleed out all that pain. Sorry I don't even know your name, I guess for me it's easy this way. Maybe I'll catch fire, something warm to hold me, something pure to burn away the darkness that hides inside my mind. All that evil shit's not hard to find, I guess I only claim to be nice.
Yeah so I typed in the password and hit enter before I wrote the post, yeah I'm a moron, it's okay at least I'm aware of it. All better now...

This weekend was a lot of fun, bars, parties, ihop, football, speed, chineese food, Ice Age, and La Bamba's... It always seems to end with La Bamba's... The others are at a BlackHawks game up in Chicago but I decided to hang back cause I have a long day and a test tomorrow and I don't really want to be up too late, or really sit in a car for 5 hours, that kinda sucks too. I think I'm finally begining to allow myself to fully enjoy weekends now. It's almost to the point where the weekends balance out how much the weekdays of stuff to do suck. Almost.

I've gotten ripping DivX movies down to a pretty exact science so I can fit dvd movies on a cd with regular predictibilty. I think the nicest feature of being able to rip DivX films would be to stick them on a laptop to watch on a long trip or flight. I realize that there are plenty of laptops out there with DVD players in them, but in all honesty those things chew through their batteries like a rabid blood-thirsty gnome when you use the DVD player, I've seen it before. And if you can find one that gets through a long trip with a DVD drive and it's battery, it's likely to be the size of a bus. So if you can throw several movies onto a small laptop's hard drive then you can watch them on a plane or whatever and not have to worry about missing the last 20 minutes of the film.

Speaking of films... Ice Age is a terrificly funny movie if you haven't seen it. Yeah, it's a cartoon, yes you can expect cartoon humor. However this, my good friends, is some quality cartoon humor. I swear the little tweaky-ass squirril thing in that you may have seen in the previews is one of the funniest characters I've ever seen.

A note on classes. I had to make a couple of changes to the game plan because it seems as though astronomy doesn't cover the requirement I thought that it did, so it hit the cutting room floor in favor of microbio 100. I heard that this class was not supposed to be too hard and mainly involved reading and not much else, which is fine with me. Next, I have run into the probelm that every one of about 4 different classes that I tried to sign up for as a "western" were not offered in the Fall semester, only in the spring. Which, needless to say, is a bit disappointing. However disappointed I may have been, though, I still wanted an extra few hours so that I could remain over the magic number 12 in case something needs to get dropped during the semester. So, I looked no further than the always lovely department of NRES. With such wonderful classes as "Dirt" and "Trees", I figured this department was just what I was looking for. So I'll be taking NRES100: Earth Care. I don't know about you, but I'm sure as hell psyched...

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