May 11, 2002
On my way home, police car pulled me over. After they left, I puttered out of gas. 'Triple-A' came, but my card was expired! I had to walk home, and of course, it rained half the time. I tried to get some shut-eye, then I was abducted! They put cold things in my butt. They sampled a bit of my D.N.A. They left me on top of my sheets. I dreamt I went potty, then woke up drenched in me. This day sucked the hardest ever... I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. A little bit less than nothing would go my way. I got up to toss my soiled sheets, the hallway was dark and I stubbed my big toe. It was then that I sensed the irony(burning me) then I heard a voice say, "Come sail aboard S.S. Nepenthe!" I suppose I'm to blame for getting pulled over. I guess I'm the culprit for running out of gas. Let's assume I'm the guy who didn't pay his 'Triple-A' fee. In actuality, I let the zetas probe me. Yesterday was all my fault. I let negativity get the better of me. Thank goodness for the bathtubs and suds! They temporarily set free this quandary.
These lyrics posted due to one of the largest driving forces known to man-kind, getting joel to stfu!

I'm back at home now. The roommate thing is pretty much taken care of, I got a hold of Lamont and he was still interested so we went to JSM to finalize the whole thing. Unfortunately Hans had already left so he wasn't able to sign yesterday. I need to get Hans to sign some form so that another person can be added to the lease. After that gets faxed down to the housing place Lamont can sign whenever he gets a chance this summer without any of us being there.

Before I left everyone was convieniently in one place over at Al's place having a bbq so I was able to see everyone. That was cool, Al offered me a cheeseburger so I had some food for the road. BBQs are always fun.

Had a pretty uneventful drive back in that no one ran into me, I didn't run into anything, and I didn't get pulled over. Traffic was nice and smooth (save a small strech of 294, some jackass hit some other jackass and a couple cars were upside down in the ditch and everyone had to get a good look) and the day was beautiful for driving, sunny around 70ยบ and a few cumulus clouds hovering around here and there.

Today I got a few errands taken care of including buying some new running shoes that actually fit comfortably. That's right I got running shoes now. The plan is I am going to run this summer every day before work. I decided it was retarded to get 8 hours of sleep every night and still be tired all the time, it was driving me nuts. I figured it was cause I didn't run enough and spent too much time sitting around wherever it was everyone was sitting around that day. Nothing too stressful, just a good 20 minutes of running in the morning. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll have more energy and not just want to fall asleep all the time. Plus if I wake up at 6:30, run for 20 minutes, take a shower and maybe spend some time in the steam room I'll get out and feel good throughout the day and not just come home and fall asleep right away.

It all sounds so good written out doesn't it?

I haven't gotten my new camera yet but the memory card came for it, the proprietary memory stick stuff that Sony has. It's not so bad now that they allow other companies to make it and you can get a 128MB mem stick from Sandisk for like 50 bucks if you look for a few minutes online. That's about the same price as anything else it could use and honestly, who actually has two or more products that use flash cards of some sort and use the cards interchangeably? No one, no one does that. That's people's only arguement against manufacturers making their own memory and maybe .01% of people who have cameras have ever used the memory cards from their cameras in an mp3 player, a pda, or a ... yeah that's pretty much all that uses that type of thing. Besides I like the memory stick, it's contacts are better protected from getting messed up than smart media and it's smaller than compact flash, so why not right?

Anyway, I think I'm going to go play pool and not have to pay for it...

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