July 17, 2002
Was an honest man. Asked me for the phone, tried to take control.Oh, I don't see it that way. I don't see it that way. Oh, we shared some ideas, all obsessed with fame says we're all the same. Oh, I don't see it that way. I don't see it that way. Raised in Carolina, I'm not like that. Trying to remind her, when we go back. I miss the last bus, I take the next train. I try but you see it's hard to explain. I say the right things but act the wrong way. I like it right here but I cannot stay. I watch the TV, forget what I'm told. Well, I am too young, and they are too old. The joke is on you, this place is a zoo. You're right, its true. As if she can't decide. I shake my head to say everything's just great. Oh, I just can't remember. I just can't remember. Raised in Carolina, she says, I'm not like that. Trying to remind her when we go back. I say the right things but act the wrong way. I like it right here but I cannot stay. I watch the TV, forget what I'm told. Well, I am too young, and they are too old. Oh, man, can't you see I'm nervous so please Pretend to be nice, but I can be mean. I miss the last bus, you take the next train. I try but you see it's hard to explain.
Yeah the site is gonna be kinda weird for a little while here. The server it's on is probably falling apart with some people on a siege trying to blow it up with grenades and machine guns while some poor sap is trying to defend it with his life for $5.15 an hour. That's really the only scenario I can come up with that would be more important than fixing something as simple as a damn server setting to get rid of the god forsaken parsing engine error that shows up on all my pages. That and the fact that the disk keeps filling up from other people that are on the server and I, being no where near my 500 meg limit, am loosing all the comments on the front of my site every week or so.

I should change the counter to read "this site has been disk read error free for __ views"

I would do that but no, I'm relocating to a new host instead because I am getting that annoyed. So, what this means is I'm going to get a whole slew of new functionality which I will code the new version of this site to use. And while I'm at it, the design and such is going to change quite a bit. I'm going to develop an almost entirely different way of doing the comments on the page in order to make it more secure. But, I am going to try and keep the mood of the comments system the same where you can still maintain anonymity when posting comments. I dunno, you'll see when I get to that. The only problem I run into is trying to find time to code for it. If I'm not at work then I'm playing golf or playing videogames at Hans's place, and then I get home and go to sleep. I'd code for it on the weekend, but I believe I've mentioned before how little I feel like looking at a computer screen beyond the 40 hours a week as it is.

Oh and I'd like to officially say "Fuck Yahoo Shopping". That's my statement, and I'm sticking to it. I'm not just talking about this one store, I'm talking about Yahoo shopping. I know what you're thinking "But ryan, I loved that commercial where the guy bought pillows and covered his trailer to protect it from the satellite." Well what the commercial didn't tell you is that he tried to order 10 big plain white pillows, but after not hearing anything from the store for two months while trying to get a hold of them, he called them up, found out the listed pillows were discontinued but they had more expensive ones. So he canceled his order and placed one with a different store, and then after a week didn't hear from them, then he called and found out that this store was out of stock on the pillows as well but what they did have in stock was a pillow package that came with a lens cleaner, an extra battery, another memory card, a case, and a mini tripod for an extra 200 bucks over what they listed the camera for on their site. Well I don't want your extra battery, I already have a bigger memory card, your case is a piece of shit, I already have a lens cleaner, and I'll tell you what you can do with your fucking tripod, you can sit on it for all I care, because I'm buying my camera elsewhere now, ya bunch a' jackasses.

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