December 05, 2002
My name is Jonas, I'm carrying the wheel. Thanks for all you've shown us, but this is how we feel. Come sit next to me, pour yourself some tea. Just like grandma made, when we couldn't find sleep. Things were better then, once but never again. We've all left the den, let me tell you 'bout it. The choo-choo train left right on time. A ticket costs only your mind. The driver said, 'Hey man, we go all the way'. Of course we were willing to pay. My name is Wepeel, I gotta box full of your toys. They're fresh out of batteries, but they're still makin' noise (makin' noise) Tell me what to do. Now the tank is dry. Now this wheel is flat. And you know what else? Guess what I received in the mail today. Words of deep concern from my little brother. The building's not going as he planned. The foreman has injured his hand. The dozer will not clear a path. The driver swears he learned his math. The workers are going home.
Man, getting back into the swing of school is prooving to be very difficult. Even as I write I'm putting off cs173 homework. But then really that class is in a whole other category of it's own. Luckily I'm not getting swamped or hit with tests or anything right off the bat coming back. I have a test on Monday and really that's it until finals. I have three finals and a take home test. The only final that bothers me is ece229. As all ece tests it could either be very reasonable, or (if the second midterm is any indication) more of a test of the professors' ability to write problems that are as obscure and confusing as possible and yet still technically pertain to the topics we've covered.

I've decided to cut back on the caffine. Not the coffee in the morning, or if I go out to eat so much, or if I need it to get some assignment done, but just the idle caffine I found myself drinking all the time. Hey, guess what, if there's cold sodas in the fridge it makes it very convenient to just drink that when you want something. So now I just stop buying soda and I've found myself drinking a lot more water. Any time I'm thirsty I just go grab one of my water bottles from my fridge and drink that. Yesterday I drank something like 6 liters of water, it's incredible cause I don't miss the soda.

I finally handed in my advising sheet thing... maybe I'll get an advising hold maybe I won't... I don't really care. Pretty much if you have a 3.5 or better they let you go your own way. They're more reasonable down there then I make them out to be at times. Another interesting note on school. I'm aparently a member of the alumni association now, I get a free 18 month membership, which means it should run out about the time I graduate and actually become an alum.

By a random fluke I am going to the DMB concert in a couple weeks. I hadn't really made specific plans to go, but Hans has an extra ticket now, so I'll take it off his hands for him. It should be a really good show.

Curse Wisconsin for falling apart against Wake Forest and costing the BigTen the challenge to the ACC. They looked like they couldn't care less at the end of the game, playing crappy defense and just waddling down the court whilst down by 8 with a minute and a half left to go. I'm sorry I had to cheer for such a sad team to win.

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