December 17, 2002
He wakes up in the morning. Does his teeth, bite to eat, and he's rolling. Never changes a thing, the week ends the week begins. She thinks, we look at each other, wondering what the other is thinking, But we never say a thing. These crimes between us grow deeper. Take these chances, place them in a box until a quieter time. Lights down, you up and die. Goes to visit his mommy, she feeds him well. His concerns, he forgets them. And remembers being small, playing under the table and dreaming. Driving in on this highway, all these cars and upon the sidewalk, people in every direction. No words exchanged, no time to exchange. And all the little ants are marching, red and black, antennas waving. They all do it the same, They all do it the same way. Candyman tempting the thoughts of a sweet tooth tortured by the weight loss. Program cutting the corners. Loose end, loose end, cut, cut. On the fence, could not to offend. Cut, cut, cut, cut. Take these chances, place them in a box until a quieter time. Lights down, you up and die.
The Dave Matthews concert was excellent on Saturday. I've been doing little but study since that concert though, I figured I'd take a little break from it now.

I've taken one final so far, nres100, so that class and mcbio100 are done now and I have As in both of those. I'm not saying that that is much of an accomplishment, but rather affirming that I have not become mentally retarded over the last 4 months. Tonight I have my ece229 final (dum dum dum!) which I attended about 8 hours worth of review session for on Sunday, I studied some more this morning, and after this I'm going to compile my two pages of notes we get to bring to the exam. Much beyond that I feel like I know everything pretty well. Again that doesn't mean I'm necessarily going to do well that just means I know everything pretty well, how well I do depends greatly on how many of the questions on the test are printed in "magic eye form" where you have to stare at it until what they are asking for jumps out at you.

I hate those magic eye picture things I can never see those...

Tomorrow I don't have any finals but I will take that time to take my matse200 take-home final, and then with whatever is left of that day, study for cs173, for which I have a final on Thursday morning. After which I have nothing I have to do for an entire month, and the thought of that makes having all these tests not that big a deal. I can't even remember how I put up with the set up back in highschool, when winter break came before the first semester was over, and you had to start second semester the next week after finals. yuck. Then again I suppose a semester is a lot different thing from what it was back then.

Sadly, since the fourth season of the sopranos just ended a couple weeks ago, they don't have it out on dvd yet. That means I only have two more dvds left before I will have to wait to see more. :( Hans, being characteristically on top of things, has been attempting to download the episodes of the fourth season so hopefully we'll have most of it after the current well runs dry.

I now return to my regularly scheduled finals week.

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