January 27, 2003
Honey you are a rock upon which I stand. And I came here to talk, I hope you understand. The green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you. And how could anybody deny you. I came here with a load, and it feels so much lighter now I met you. And honey you should know, that I could never go on without you. Green eyes. Honey you are the sea upon which I float. And I came here to talk, I think you should know. The green eyes, you're the one that I wanted to find. And anyone who tried to deny you, must be out of their mind. Because I came here with a load, and it feels so much lighter since I met you. Honey you should know, that I could never go on without you. Green eyes, green eyes. Honey, you are a rock upon which I stand.
Really I only have headphones so that when I get songs like this stuck in my head I can listen to them on repeat and not bug the living hell of anyone within earshot.

The reason I've been not writing is because I wanted to wait until all my classes got under way and I could give my outlooks. Because honestly without outlooks, where would we be?

Taking the classes I am is going to be reasonable as it turns out. The way they are set up and the way my schedule works I should have more than ample time to get things done. And Tuesday is going to be, rather than just a day off from classes, my busiest day for getting schoolwork done, meeting with lab partners, and reading lectures for the week.

My teachers are a mixed bunch. My infamous advisor makes an appearance as my ece340 professor, but he certainly makes a better teacher than an advisor, and even manages to be funny. He labels all the topics and concepts that are presented as either A, B, or C. Where A is something we must know for the class, B is a direct application that will be useful in further coursework, and C as something we should "take a look at, but don't lose sleep over not understanding it". Maybe you'd appreciate this scale more if you've ever taken an ece class, but if not, then please just understand that is immensely refereshing. Choose yor favorite sierra mist commercial for a demostration.

My cs225 prof (the same as for 125 which I didn't really attend ever so he's new to me) has a good sense of humor, and despite what I've been told, I think the lectures are going to be pretty useful, or at the very least, mildly interesting. Plus at that point I'm already out of the apartment and it's much harder to justify not going to a class when you are already "out and about" as they say.

The other classes, ece310 and ece249, look like they are going to follow similar patterns as ece classes of yore save for the natural progression of the kind of material presented. It's not to be expected that every class I come across be the highlight of my day, so I'll just leave it that these classes prolly won't put me to sleep, but on the other hand they won't keep me up long hours either.

I've been able to get out to Murphy's to drink and play cards a lot the last week or so. There's been a steady supply of random groups of people wanting to do this, so it makes it a lot easier. This includes the outting for Joel's 21st which was fun, his brother even managed to get a portillos chocolate cake for him (which I'm told is some kinda tradition or something I really have no idea) Other than that occasions like "no reason" and "because" have sponsored the events.

So my parents apparently came really close to buying a house in Sarasota or something. They decided against it due to some design rules about neighboring houses and weird floorplans, I'm not really sure, but it became too annoying to be worth it so the plan was sacked.

I did eventually get my car washed, not because I care about it being dirty, but because I didn't really want the paint falling off come spring.

I picked up Simcity 4 because I was sold by the commercials and I really liked simcity 2000 which I was told it gets back to the roots of (after a less than appealing simcity 3000, or as some like to call it "sim pain-in-the-ass".) It has turned out to be pretty fun but there are some budgeting problems I always manage to run into which seem, at the moment, impossible to solve unless I take money from outsiders so that they can spoon-feed a recepticle in my town with toxic waste, which is... know, frowned upon by local environmentalist movements. I'll continue playing it for sure though, as the promise of cool skylines and spans and whatnot lay somewhere buried under my toxic waste dump of a shithole that no one in their right mind would want to live in, I just have to do some more digging.

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