February 20, 2003
You can force it but it will not come. You can taste it but it will not form. You can crush it but it's always here. You can crush it but it's always near. Chasing you home saying, "Everything is broken. Everyone is broken." You can force it but it will stay stung. You can crush it as dry as a bone. You can walk it home straight from school. You can kiss it, you can break all the rules. But still... Everything is broken. Everyone is broken. Everyone is, everyone is broken. Everyone is, everything is broken. Why can't you forget?
For some reason I had forgotten that The Bends was the best album ever made.

It's warming up outside, and either I'm getting over my cold (or more likely flu based on the symptoms) or at the very least the DayQuil is doing it's job more than adequately. Anyhow, in light of that I figured I'd make a quick update while I take a break from studying for my ece310 test tonight.

The past couple weeks have been pretty busy as my all-engineering schedule is prooving to be very good at supplying a steady stream of work. With projects, circuit designs, programs, and problem sets due at least once a week from every class, there's never a dull moment no-sir-ee. And surprisingly enough, I've actually been pretty good about finishing most all of my work earlier in the week when I have my time off as opposed to leaving it for thursday or friday right up against the deadline. I guess my little Procrastination plaque I have on my desk isn't doing it's job very well.

I figured I'd have been much worse about the difficulty of this semester from the simple standpoint that 1) last semester was easy as all hell and I never really had any work to do besides one class, and 2) I did nothing productive whatsoever during winter break. It's hard to come off a run like that and get back into the thick of things, but I always felt I was one to be able to accomplish just about anything if I felt I had to. Sure we all have times when we are feeling lazy and we don't want to do something that's put in front of us, but not doing it doesn't really present itself as an option to me... does that make sense?

Well, speaking of not necessarily wanting to do something but having to anyway, I suppose I should get back to studying for my ece310 test.

Studying for tests is kind of a funny thing, as you go back and review the material one of two things will generally happen. You'll either go over the material and it will come back to you and you'll remember how easy it was, making you more and more confident about how you will do on the exam. Or when you look at the material, you will swear one of your alternate selves must have done that particular assignment and you have no idea what's going on, making you fear for your very life on the exam. If only you could somehow contact that alternate self and have him explain it to you, I'm sure it would make a lot more sense.

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