May 18, 2003
I seem to recognize your face. Haunting, familiar, yet I can't seem to place it. Cannot find the candle of thought to light your name. Lifetimes are catching up with me. All these changes taking place... I wish I'd seen the place, but no one's ever taken me, Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away... I swear I recognize your breath. Memories, like fingerprints, are slowly raising. Me, you wouldn't recall, for I'm not my former. It's hard when your stuck upon the shelf. I changed by not changing at all, small town predicts my fate. Perhaps that's what no one wants to see. I just want to scream...hello... My god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return. But now here you are, and here I am. Hearts and thoughts they fade...away...
1400 miles later...

The drive down wasn't nearly as bad as people were having me believe it was going to be. The only hitches being a section of I-24 in TN that was closed all the way down to the shoulder where they had just put a bunch of gravel to make a new shoulder and everyon was going 15mph, the other being that of the 360 miles or so of I-95 about half of it was under construction.

I don't recall how adamately I described the craziness of roads in Georgia the last time I got back from driving through there, so I'll elaborate a tad. This is the only place that I know of where you can come to a sign at an intersection, and not only be unsure of where you are, and where you are going, but also raise doubts about where you thought you just came from. I'm driving south on route 129 (or so I imagined) and I come to an intersection. To my left, a sign for 129 south, to my right, a sign for 129 north, straight ahead? a more cryptic sign that simply read 129 with no direction associated with it. Each had three or four other routes as well, but I tried to focus on the pertinent information. I thought, "hey I want to go south." so I turned left. After a few miles of driving, I shit you not, I ended up at this same intersection again. This time, 129 north to the left, 129 south to the right, and 129 straight ahead again. I felt like I was in the lost forest playing Zelda, I'm like okay, I whistled the little do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do tune and turned right.

This apartment is really something else. It makes our Champaign apartment look ghetto. This bedroom is bigger than mine back in Inverness, and the whole place is really well funrnished. (think hotel room as big as an apartment) I'll take pictures later this evening, first I'll prolly get something to eat somewhere. The only problem I had with it was that all I knew was my apartment number, unfortunately, there are nine buildings in this complex that have apt 104s so I just walked around looking from building to building trying to find mine. Hey, it only took me half the buildings, so whatever.

So far I've located: the apartment, a strip mall with a publix, the motorola compound, and the fastest route to get to the atlantic ocean (actually, just the same street that I work on.)

I've already had my first "gecko on the door handle" encounter. Presumably sitting on it cause it was cool due to air-conditioning. I think he jumped higher than I did when we noticed each other though.

tomorrow, after work, I'm going to the beach :P

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