December 13, 2003
Picking out a song I want to post is just too much of a pain in the ass. Feeling that I have to pick a song makes entries too much of a production. Before you know it, I'll find myself going a month and a half without writing anything. And while I don't really care about being super consistant... I guess I kinda do.

I've been having a blast with skydiving. I'm getting pretty decent and my dives tend to follow the plan pretty closely now. I have my RW suit which I love, I've been jumping with about 6lbs of weight which keeps my fall rate happy, and I have a weight belt of my own on it's way. I'm also getting a new Aviator helmet and a ProTrack for Christmas, so it seems everything is falling into place (kill me) I think in the spring I'll order some freefly pants and then I should be done buying stuff for a while... maybe? yes?

Tomorrow I'm heading down to Vandalia (I didn't go today, it's snowing pretty good right now) where they temporarily have a deHavilland Twin-Otter in addition to the Caravan and I've heard rumors of big formation attempts, so I'd like to "get me some of that."

Classes are fine blah blah blah...

It's funny, when you're getting ready to graduate I think what happens is you figure out a worst-case plan for what to do when you graduate. Then as opportunities start to show up, you upgrade your plan, and finally whatever the plan is when you graduate is what you go with. Well, my plan just got upgrated from "god only knows." to "Motorola in Ft Lauderdale" which I'm excited about. I still have some time to try and prod at Northrop Grumman, but now I figure either way I'm in pretty good shape.

Note to self, never eat at Zorbas (gyros) and Jupiters (sausage pizza) in a 24hr period. I was so ill and in so much pain last night I wanted to die. I must be getting old, I think I have left the days where I could always eat anything I wanted behind.

Speaking of eating terribly... There was some water that apparently froze at the base of my drivers side window and it got stuck. So since I had some time between the order speaker and the drive up window I sat there banging on it and trying to open and close it to get it free. What I didn't do was listen closely enough in ece330 about what happens to induction motors when you try and run them while the rotor is being held stationary. Long story short I got in my car today to run to the post office and my car made one of the most defeated and wimpy attempts at starting I've ever witnessed from an automobile. Luckily Hans was around and I have a pair of jumper cables so I was able to get it running. When I got to the post office I was sure to make use of my remote starters "pit-stop" mode (you can leave it running and take the keys with you) so that the battery could charge a bit more. Now I'll have to see how it behaves tomorrow morning.

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