Copyright Information
All text and graphics contained on this site, with the exception of the song lyrics and comments, are the property of Ryan Simpson. Any comments posted on this site are the property of their author, and I take no responsibility for their content. Song lyrics are the property of their respective publishing houses, consult the lyrics page for links to where this music can be purchased. Any reproduction of the content on this site is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, direct linking of images or offloading of content.

Any HTML on this site can be used freely. However I request that in this event, you mention you referenced this site in your credits/acknowledgements.

If you would like to see the source code for the engine this site runs on, send me a message with the Contact link in the lower right, and I'll probably get a copy of it to you.

Privacy Statement
On this site it is not my intention to spy on you, collect information, or send a bunch of information to your computer behind your back. So I'm going to be completely outright in what information gets stored both in my database, as well as on your machine.

Cookies: this site uses cookies to store your selected default section, custom theme, to allow the poll to work properly, and for session ids to work properly. You can access this site with cookies disabled but you will be unable to use these features.

Comments and Votes: I log the host-mask of every comment and vote that is submitted on this site. However, I do not routinely access these logs and they are not publicly accessible. I understand that a large part of the success of the comments system comes from the anonymity it provides people that use it. But for security reasons I need to keep track of hosts in case someone decides to try and abuse it. Since my move to the new host and the relocation of the comments off the absolute front page of the site, I am very apathetic about the content of your comments. However malicious attacks are not going to be accepted very graciously on my part. Long story short, if you don't try and break anything, I won't try to find out who says what.

Searching: I don't log the searches in any way, neither by content, user, nor whatever. I used to on my old site, but there was really no point to it. What you are trying to find is your own business.
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