Welcome, please choose a default section
Since you know you better than I probably do, you know what you like most about the site. A lot of people were opposed to me taking the comments off the front of my page, but I didn't really want the first thing people saw here to be profanity.

So in an effort to accommodate people who only want to read my journal, those who like swearing and posting obscene links in the comments, and camera-geeking skydivers who just want to see if I've posted any new photos of them, you can pick what page you want to load as your default when you come here. This option will stick until you decide you want to change it, which can be done by clicking on the home link in the upper left. You'll get this page again and you can pick a different section.

Journal | Lyrics | Photos | Comments | Polls

You can also choose a custom theme if you'd like
Every couple months or so, I put together a new theme for the site. Sometimes I make this new theme the default appearance of the site, sometimes not. Regardless, I plan to put all the themes I make here, and that way you can change how the site looks yourself. As with your default section, this will hold until you come back to the Home section and choose something else. Finally, if you want to reset your theme so that it goes along with whatever the default happens to be, just click here.












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